Chapter 8 - Restricted Section

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It's Friday morning and breakfast time. Riley is with other Ravenclaws at the table, chatting, in a very good mood. Yesterday's little talk with Sebastian helped her a lot. If someone asked her to sum it up, she would not be able to. They wrote about everything and nothing. It feels good to have more than one friend.  

When the owl post arrives, Riley is a bit surprised to see that she's got a letter. With excitement rising she quickly opens it and smiles widely. It is from Professor Fig, who wants her to meet him at the office later on for a catch-up. It must be about the locket and the library. But catch-up looks less suspicious if the owl ends up in the wrong hands. He is her mentor, after all. Everybody knows that. What they don't know is the real reason. No one, except Sebastian, knows anything. Not even Erin. 

Riley feels a bit bad about it, but she somehow trusts Sebastian more. He opened up to her as well, while Erin is just teasing her. One day, hopefully, Riley will be able to confide in her, too. 

When leaving the Great Hall, Riley is having a quick look around the Hall, but she cannot see him anywhere. She promised Sebastian to keep him informed, and this is by far the biggest news. As the first class of the day is about to start, she and Erin have to pick up the pace to make it on time, as they need to go to the opposite side of the castle.

Not having a chance to speak with Sebastian, Riley just leaves a quick note on the parchment, hoping it will stay there and he can read it. 

It is getting late, and Riley is sitting in the Common Room, chatting with Erin and Amit. She told them she needs to go later on to meet Professor Fig, so she will not be able to join them for an evening stargazing, but hopefully, tomorrow is a clear sky again and she can catch up on Astronomy homework. 

"If you finish early come and join us" Amit shouts after her as she is leaving the Common Room.

"Will do!" Riley shouts back and makes her way to Professor Fig's office, excited. She needs answers, and this should definitely give her some.

Everything is going according to plan, and they are getting ready for a trip to Restricted Section. The book (at least Riley assumes it's a book) they are after is very tricky, but they have a plan formed. Sadly, the plan is put on hold by the headmaster himself, barging into the office. 

Now, Professor Fig is ready to depart for a task given by Black, unwillingly. 

"I've been thinking about your theory. About your family. Phineas Nigellus Black is known for treating students from muggle families differently. He also treats those who are half-blood differently. I believe your past may be in one of the pure-blood families. The way he talks to you and about you is giving it away. I think he may know more than us." Professor Fig says as Riley is leaving his office.

"Is there any chance to find out?" She stops at the door, looking at Professor.

"Not that I know of. But don't worry, I am on it. I will let you know when I'm back and we can schedule another catch-up" Professor Fig nods at Riley and she nods back. 

She doesn't want to wait for him to come back. She wants to go there now. But how? Library is almost closed and the Librarian is not a fan of letting people in the Restricted Section. And she may follow her and Riley will never get the book she needs. This needs to be planned properly, as Professor Fig explained.

But there is one person who can help her. And she knows for sure he wouldn't mind breaking a few rules. And he is known for sneaking into the Restricted Section. And he happens to be her friend.

"Sebastian, where are you?" Riley murmurs to herself as she is walking through the castle, making sure to check the most common spots. If only she had the enchanted parchment with her. 

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