Chapter 45 - Back to reality

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As Friday afternoon arrives, Riley remains in the Hospital Wing, still in the process of recovering. Only Professor Hecat and Ominis have been granted permission to visit her, and she is grateful to Professor Weasley for arranging this. However, she knows that she must eventually confront whatever awaits her beyond the confines of the wing.

"Is there anything I should know before I leave?" Riley asks Ominis, who is accompanying her. Classes have ended, and she is set to rejoin them starting on Monday.

"Nobody really knows what exactly happened. The castle went into lockdown, there were occasional tremors, and then we were informed that Ranrok and goblins had infiltrated the castle. You and Fig managed to stop them, but Fig didn't survive," Ominis shrugs, and Riley shakes her head.

"So there's no mention of ancient magic? Or the repository? Or Rookwood?" Riley inquires as they exit the Hospital Wing and make their way down the stairs.

"Well, you rode a Graphorn, then Rookwood kidnapped you, and you defeated him, sending him off to Azkaban. There are plenty of conspiracy theories floating around, but no one has confirmed anything about ancient magic. Perhaps it's for the best," Ominis responds, and as they reach the area of the castle bustling with students, whispers begin to circulate.

"I suppose everyone knows who I am now," Riley remarks, attempting to walk briskly and ignore the curious gazes and hushed conversations directed her way.

"Yes, so be prepared for even more strange looks," Ominis smiles, and Riley simply follows.

"How is Sebastian doing?" Riley asks after a while, but Ominis takes a moment before responding.

"I haven't been speaking to him. I've hardly seen him around. I know he tried to visit you a few times, but apparently, only Hecat and I were permitted," Ominis replies, leading the way toward the Undercroft, though they can feel the weight of prying eyes upon them.

"There is something I need to tell you both. Do you think he may be there?" Riley asks and points to the Undercroft.

"Where?" Ominis asks and Riley realizes her silly mistake.

"Undercroft," She whispers and Ominis shakes his head.  

"I've been spending most of my time there alone, so I doubt it highly," Ominis says, and Riley's heart skips a beat as she spots Sebastian on the stairs.

"Riley..." he says, his voice filled with a mix of hesitation and concern. Pausing midway on the steps, he locks eyes with Riley. In that moment, her small smile is enough to dispel any hesitation he may have. Sebastian quickly runs down the stairs. Without a second thought, he pulls her into a tight embrace. In that instant, all the arguments and the pain from their last encounter fade into insignificance as Riley embraces him back. 

Amidst the embrace, a bittersweet realization settles upon Riley's heart. As much as she yearns for things to return to normal, the wounds inflicted upon their relationship run deep. The darkness that consumed Sebastian has left scars that may never fully heal, and the trust they once shared has been fractured.

The events of past few days have taken a great toll on Riley, physically, and mentally. Witnessing Sebastian's madness and descent into pure darkness, losing her beloved mentor, Professor Fig, and spending most of the time isolated from everyone, hoping to recover, were just few of the things she's admitted. She has faced the depths of despair, desperately hoping for healing and restoration.

Constant nightmares, anxiety every time she imagines walking past his classroom knowing fully well he is not there, and not having Sebastian by her side are haunting her. At least Ominis is there, but only during the day. Riley is dreading the night. Even with potions from Professor Sharp, the nightmares are still there, and even worse, the flashbacks to everything that's happened are being constant, almost on an hourly basis.

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