Chapter 12 - Boathouse

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As they're walking to the Boathouse, the conversation keeps flowing. They are discussing everything, from classes to Crossed Wands. It is a nice walk and when they reach the top of the stairs, Riley stops for a second to look around. Why has she never been here before? It looks so peaceful. And the boathouse down there looks so intriguing. Thankfully, the wind is a bit calmer now, so it is not that cold anymore. Or maybe it's just the walk. Or her companion.

"This is what I really wanted since I started here. A nice, peaceful walk with no drama, no rumours, no trolls or Rookwood or Peeves. This is it," Riley says, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Glad I could've been of assistance," Sebastian says and he stops as well, looking at Riley standing there, taking it all in.

"You need to show me more places around here. So far, you've been a wonderful personal guide" Riley says and slowly starts walking down the stairs.

"Glad to hear I'm doing a good job" Sebastian follows her and smiles as Riley is almost skipping now.

When they reach the Boathouse, Riley starts to explore straight away. So this is where the first years start their Hogwarts journey. Must be unnerving to sail here from Hogsmeade. She will never know...

After a quick look around, she finds Sebastian facing opposite the castle. As she joins him, she realizes that this spot is perfectly blocking the wind. How often does he go here?

"Go on then, what is your question?" Riley asks and leans toward the wall of the Boathouse.

"What were you talking about with Ominis after class?" He asks straight away and Riley is relieved it's not a burning question.

"Oh, that. I was just wondering why Cecelia hates me. Then Ominis called me daft. And that's about it" She shrugs. It may not be the whole truth, but it's definitely not a lie. She has answered the question truthfully.

"Sounds like Ominis is warming up to you," Sebastian says and looks at Riley. "Your turn" He adds and Riley looks at him, smiling. What should she ask? Should she ask what she wants to, or something silly? What if her question ruins everything?

"Do you ever wonder how would it be if we were in the same house?" Riley asks and Sebastian smiles back at her.

"Endlessly. The amount of time I have to deal with stupidity and think to myself 'I wish my quick-witted Riley was here' is more than occasional," Sebastian says and Riley can feel her face suddenly going very warm. Did he just call her 'his Riley'? What does that mean?

"You can always stop by, you know," She says, innocently, fully aware they will never be in the same Common Room. "We have a nice area near the Common Room where you can chill."

"And walk up those stairs every time I want a chat? No thank you, I rather work on that enchanted parchment" Sebastian says and they both laugh.

"Your turn. Give me your best shot" Riley winks at him and Sebastian raises his eyebrows and looks at her with an intriguing smile.

"You asked for it..." He pauses and Riley is trying not to break eye contact and stay strong. Maybe teasing him was not the brightest move. What if he asks something that may potentially cause trouble?

"Uh-oh" Riley whispers and Sebastian's smile turns into a grin as he moves closer to her. He stops when there is only a small space left between them.

"Did you try to kiss me in the Undercroft?" Sebastian asks in an inquisitive voice and Riley's heart drops. As much as she wants to keep straight face and eye contact to see who breaks it first, she can't. She can feel an extremely hot feeling spreading through her body at the same time as she can feel chills. This is not good.

"I have misjudged the distance," She says in a low voice, trying to remember how to breathe. She is not facing Sebastian anymore and is starting to properly freak out. What to do now? She cannot run away, not with all those stairs. She can jump into the lake and drown, that would save her embarrassment.

"I think I'm gonna go," Riley says as she is preparing an escape route, visibly anxious, but before she can even turn around and run, Sebastian grabs her hand.

"Don't go," Sebastian looks at her, pleadingly.

When Riley looks back at him, she can see he is not as cocky and confident as usual. He seems to be anxious as well and gives her a very shy smile.

"Very well then, my turn"Her voice is as shaky as ever. "Are you flirting with me most of the time, or am I just misreading the situation?" Riley asks. There is nothing to lose. It is going horribly wrong. What else can happen? What's the worst that can happen? He says no and asks her to never talk to him again. And she will go swimming in the lake and hope to meet some nice little Grindylows who can take her deep down and kill her.

"Ominis was right. My courtship is not subtle" Sebastian says under his breath and he's blushing as well. "Did you really just misjudge the distance?" His voice is soft and Riley can feel his breath now. They are so close. And there is only one thing she wants.

"I was very aware of the distance. And so am now" Riley is still trying to calm herself down, but it's not going well. It feels like there is no air coming into her lungs.

They are standing face to face, and Riley can see every single freckle on his face. The tension is killing her, and even a few seconds seem like hours. Her heart is pounding, and she feels like they are frozen in time. Trying to find the courage to close the distance, Riley moves a tiny bit closer, but Sebastian is one step ahead of her. Still holding her hand, he places his other hand on her face and draws her closer into a soft, tentative kiss.

Riley was dreaming about this moment since she first met him, since the first shy smile, since the first duel. She was not even hoping for it to finally happen, but that did not stop her from wanting it. Every single time.

The kiss is over way too soon and Sebastian's hand is now slowly caressing her cheek, moving down to her neck.

"Don't stop now" She whispers and leans in for another kiss, but Sebastian stops her with a smile.

"Hold on now, wouldn't want to rush it," He says, playfully, and Riley closes her eyes, finally taking a breath.

"I will never ever kiss you ever again if you stop now," Riley says in an equally playful tone as well.

"When you put it that way..." Sebastian laughs and moves his hand from her neck to the small of her back and pulls her towards him into a more confident kiss. Riley lets out a small groan and Sebastian pull her even closer. She can feel her heart pounding more than ever and places both of her hands around his neck, while she also runs her fingers through his hair.

When Sebastian places his other hand across her back, Riley completely gives in and there is no space left between their bodies. Not wanting this moment to ever end, Riley is slowly getting lost in the firm touch of his hands and the sweetness of his lips.

Riley has no idea how long they've been standing there in an embrace, with no space between them, kissing. But she knows this is by far the best day she can remember and will remember forever. The only question is, what happens next?

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