Chapter 46 - An eventful class

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Rejoining the classes on Monday, Riley is feeling a bit anxious. As much as her Ravenclaws made her feel relaxed and she laughed a lot during the weekend, the reality is waiting for her. How will others react to her, and will she be able to cope? Even her own house started to ask a few questions here and there, so she can only imagine how others would be. And will anything change between her and her professors after Ranrok? They did fight side by side, but will that even matter? And does she want it to matter?

The moment Riley steps foot in Professor Hecat's classroom, she can hear a lot of whispers, and some students even pointing towards her.

"Keep that finger pointing and I may practice a severing charm I've read about," Everett says lightly to one of the Slytherin girls and Riley gives him a grateful smile. Girls seem like they want to say something back, but Professor Hecat is already there.

"Let's start with revision. Today we will not need desks or books, so get your wands and minds ready," Professor says as she makes all the desks and chairs move to the side, leaving a nice open space.

"I hope I am prepared for this. I do not feel ready. What if I fail," Amit says next to Riley in a panicked voice, but she just smiles. Amit likes to doubt himself and then ends up on top of the class.

"Defend yourself, Mister Weasley!" Professor says and sends a spell towards Garreth, who is caught very off guard and instead of casting a protective charm, he falls to the ground with his legs glued together. "Too slow," Professor smiles as she paces the room leaving Garreth to struggle.

"That was hardly fair," Garreth murmurs, but Professor ignores him.

"Mister Thakkar, counter-curse," Professor says and Amit points his wand at Garreth, releasing the grip on his legs and allowing him to move again.

"Miss Peverell, protect yourself!" Professor says and sends a spell towards Riley, who without hesitation raises her wand and creates a protective shield that deflects the spell.

"Nice one," Everett says to Riley who smiles and looks at Professor Hecat, who gives her an approving nod.

"Was it the recent encounters or do they teach non-verbal spells earlier in Durmstrang?" Professor Hecat asks Riley, who's just realized she's been using Protego without any verbal incantation.

"Fourth year for basic spells," Riley says in a low voice and there is a silence in the room. Most of the looks are approving, even admiring, but there are also some glares. "You either figure it out, or you get jinxed," Riley adds and a few people laugh.

"Interesting approach," Professor Hecat says and starts to pace again.

"Dark Magic approach. No wonder she defeated the goblin," Someone says in a hushed voice and Riley recognizes that voice straight away. It's been a while since she's paid any attention to her, but it's Cecelia, the girl who used to make Riley's blood boil.

"Talking about Dark Magic," Professor Hecat continues pacing, ignoring the murmurs. "Mister Sallow. Name Unforgivable Curses and give an example of why they are unforgivable and what happens if you use any of them," Professor looks at Sebastian with a piercing look, and there is a lot of apprehension in Sebastian's expression.

"Imperio, because you can control someone else's mind without them knowing. Crucio, because it inflicts severe pain, and Avada Kedavra, the killing curse. The strictest of penalties upon anyone who casts them, with a possible one-way ticket to Azkaban," Sebastian answers and Riley is trying to control her breath. Does Professor Hecat know?

"Exactly. Mister Clopton, name a dark creature that lives in the Lake and how would you defend yourself," Professor continues pacing, but it still makes Riley wonder. Looking at Sebastian, their eyes meet and there is an accusation in his look. Does he think she said something to Professor Hecat?

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