Chapter 44 - Aftermath

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"We need to get her to the Hospital Wing right now," A voice in the distance says.

"Wouldn't Mungo's be better?" Another voice replies.

"No. We need to keep her here. Keep an eye. Rookwood may be locked up and Ranrok dead, but a few are still running free. I feel better having her here. And I don't think she would want to go to St. Mungo's either," The first voice says, and Riley feels like she's been carried. Everything is a blur. Everything hurts. Is this a dream?

"I can't believe Eleazar's dead. Such a loss," Third voice says and it's all coming back to Riley.

"You have completed all of our trials. And you have done so under the circumstances even I did not foresee. You understand, now, why all of this was necessary - the Portkey, the vault, the book, the trials. To ensure that one with the ability you and I share would make the same choice that San, Niamh, Charles, and I did," Professor Rackham's portrait says and Riley looks at Professor Fig and nods. It all makes sense. 

"Now that you have witnessed my memory, you understand all that is at stake. Not everyone is what they seem," San Bakar's portrait joins in and Riley nods, again. Not everyone is what they seem. The lesson she has learned the hard way twice during a very short period of time. Both Isidora and Sebastian are not what they seemed at first. 

"As you know, light does not exist without shadow, nor shadow without light. Simply because you can eliminate darkness does not always mean that you should," Niamh's portrait says and Riley keeps nodding.

"Even the most well-meaning and competent amongst us cannot possibly know the consequences of manipulating what should be beyond our reach," Charles Rookwood says.

"What lies in the repository must never be released. Resist the temptation to destroy or control it. The magic that you have so carefully honed must now be used only to protect the secret we keep. You have the wand. You will know when to wield it. We leave our legacy in your hands," As Rackham's portrait speaks, Riley knows what must be done. She has proven to herself she can control the urges, and she will use all her power to protect the repository, no matter how many goblins are destroyed by it. Wand ready and a small nod to Professor Fig, the surface changes and shows them the entrance to the final repository.   

"We can only hope that we're not too late and that we find nothing but a repository, undisturbed, beyond this door," Professor Fig says before they open the door, and the moment their eyes meet, Riley knows even he does not believe what he just said.  

"The castle is still under Lockdown. Shall we lift it? What time it is?" Professor Ronen's voice echoes and Riley is trying to stay awake. 

"Leave it until the morning. Can you talk to that incompetent oaf upstairs?" Professor Sharp's voice sounds closer. 

"I shall speak to Black now and I will rejoin you as soon as it's done," Professor Weasley says and Riley can hear her walking away.

"I will stay with her overnight," Professor Hecat says as the doors open. Everything is a blur, and Riley cannot even see properly. 

"I think we may be a bit overpowered," Riley sighs as more and more goblins appear, and even a troll makes an appearance. Staring at the chaos around, Riley focuses and sends a blast of ancient magic towards goblins, blasting them away. Fighting with Professor Fig by her side is more comforting, as they are both making sure to protect each other, so Riley can experiment a bit more with ancient magic. Even Professor Fig uses spells she's never heard of. When all of this is over, she needs to ask him to teach some of them to her.

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