Chapter 41 - Decisions

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Upon arriving at the Undercroft, Riley can hear two familiar voices. But the conversation that is unfolding is not nice. 

"She's devastated. She just buried your uncle. Alone," Ominis says in a shaky voice and Riley walks towards them.

"I did it for her," Sebastian says in a matter-of-fact voice and Riley can feel her blood boil. And she is not the only one.

"Sebastian - Anne can't bear the thought of turning you in, but..." Ominis says in the same shaky voice, but Riley realizes it is not anxiety. It is anger. Suppressed anger. Ominis is doing exactly what she's been doing. Trying to control himself, as yelling will not lead anywhere. Especially with someone as stubborn as Sebastian. 

"What? Turning me in? She saw what happened," Sebastian says in disbelief and Riley closes her eyes briefly, taking a very deep breath.

"I'll give you some time to think, Sebastian," Ominis says and turns around, walking away from him. 

"Did you hear that? You saw what happened! I never wanted to hurt my uncle," Sebastian faces Riley, his voice higher than usual.

"Never wanted to hurt him?" Riley raises her voice a bit, in the same disbelief as Sebastian did a while ago. "Never wanted to hurt him?!" She repeats and looks directly into his eyes. "You need to mean it. And you did!"

"I can't believe he's gone. How did things go so wrong? I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to..." Sebastian seems to be finally comprehending the situation. 

"You need to mean it. And you did," Riley repeats, her voice firm and resolute. She refuses to let her gaze falter, maintaining eye contact with Sebastian. What did he expect? Sympathy? Understanding? It is time to draw the line.

"Riley, you need to understand..." Sebastian begins to plead, but she cuts him off. Enough is enough.

"You can blame whomever or whatever you want, but hurting someone and resorting to that curse was your choice and yours alone. You made that choice with clear intent. And I can no longer be a part of it. You have made all of those choices. Including the one to leave me there! So I guess that was the goodbye."

Riley's words hang in the air, the weight of her decision palpable. There is a finality to her voice, a boundary drawn that cannot be crossed. She takes a step back, distancing herself physically and emotionally from Sebastian. This is the second time someone lost their life without any proper reason. 

"Riley, please. You can't leave me. Not you as well. Not now..." Sebastian's voice breaks, but Riley remains strong. Not looking at him, she follows Ominis, tears in her eyes. She does not want it to end like this, but there is no other option. It is getting worse and worse. Using Imperio to stop that goblin, she understands. And agrees. But what happened after is too much. And when she hoped it was only a lapse of judgement, catacombs happened. He sent Inferi! He controlled them! And they attacked Feldcroft, Riley and Ominis. He was commanding them to do so. 

"What a mess. I can't believe it. After I left you, I went straight to Hogwarts. Before I had time to talk to Black, I heard from Anne. I rushed to Feldcroft and found her with Solomon's body. She was beside herself with grief. Part of her wants Sebastian to face the consequences - another part can't bear the thought of it," Ominis says when Riley joins him, leaving Sebastian behind, on his own.

"I know. I have managed to have a little chat with her before she left. Must have missed you," Riley says and Ominis nods.

"Just about. When I saw you running from the catacombs, I knew you would make sure Anne is okay. And since Sebastian was not with you, I assumed he was probably back in the castle. So, I tried to catch him before he did anything idiotic again. Interestingly, he contacted me, saying he needed to speak with me. Did Anne say where she's heading to?" Ominis asks, and Riley responds by giving him a hug instead of an immediate answer.

"He disapparated straight away, leaving me be. So I went to Feldcroft to check on Anne. She has not mentioned where she's going, but she's gone," Riley whispers and hugs Ominis tighter. "I have noticed the way you speak with her and act around her. I know. And I'm sorry," Riley finishes the sentence and steps back. There is definitely sadness spreading across Ominis' face. 

"What are we going to do? I don't want to lose Sebastian as well, but I don't think we have a choice," Ominis slightly changes the subject back to Sebastian, and Riley takes another deep breath to calm herself down. 

"There is always a choice. And honestly, what good will it do to turn him in now? He lost his uncle, his sister left him, his best friend looks like he's leaving him as well, and his girlfriend just broke up with him. I don't think he's going to do anything like this ever again. And if he does, we reconsider the choice. I don't think the possibility of Azkaban is what he needs. I still care about him. I can't do that to him. But that is only my choice," Riley tries everything she can for her voice not to break down and quiver, and she is quite successful. She cannot imagine losing Sebastian for good. 

"As much as I believe that Sebastian should pay for his actions, we'd only be punishing Anne. I hope we're doing the right thing," Ominis agrees and there is a massive boulder dropping from Riley's heart.

"Write her a letter. Let her know our decision. I'm positive she will agree. Make sure she's okay. And if there is anything I can do, let me know. I don't know if Ancient Magic can help, but I have a feeling it cannot. But I will talk to the Keepers to check if they have any ideas on how to help. And before you argue that everything has been done, I know," Riley says in one breath and Ominis smiles her way as he leaves the Undercroft.

When Riley turns around, Sebastian is still there, on the other side, sitting down with his head in his hands. Walking towards him, Riley is determined not to change her decision.

"We are not turning you in. But we're not doing it for you, we're doing it for Anne," Riley says briefly and fights the urge to sit next to him. 

"You all believed in me. And I let you all down. I can't really blame any of you if you gave up on me entirely. I realise I can't undo what's been done, but I can try every day to make up for it. I owe you and Ominis everything for standing by me," Sebastian's voice trembles with remorse as he lifts his head, meeting Riley's gaze.

"We've tried to justify your actions every step of the way. But this has gone too far," Riley's expression mirrors the sternness she had observed in Professor Hecat.

"I'm grateful for you. For our friendship. And relationship. And I will do anything to prove it to you," Sebastian says and Riley hesitates for a second. She needs to be strong. The decision has been made. And as much as it pains her, she knows it's the right one.

"Goodbye, Sebastian," Riley says and leans towards him, giving him a peck on the cheek. Turning around, she heads towards the exit, tears falling down her face. She wants him to run after her, but she also doesn't. She wants him to say how sorry he is and beg for her to come back, but she also doesn't. 

Witnessing him standing there amidst the swirling chaos of the Relic and the Inferi he commanded, oblivious to her words and barely acknowledging her presence, a surge of frustration and abandonment courses through Riley's veins. He simply turned and walked away, leaving her stranded and alone in that treacherous catacomb. No remorse about killing his uncle, no remorse about leaving Riley in a fiery room full of dead bodies trying to attack her. Even when she was running after him, nothing. And to top it off, he did not check on Anne. He did not say anything meaningful at all. After chasing him through catacombs, after everything she's ever done for him, just to disapparate without giving a single thought about her. That is what hurts the most. Why was it she and Ominis with Anne, trying to help her, and make sure she's okay after witnessing what she's witnessed? Where was Sebastian? Why did he go after Ominis? For someone who claims to care about Anne and her, he really is not doing a good job showing it. His priorities are completely broken. And being upset with Anne for destroying the Spellbook after he went too far? Riley cannot help it, but there is that voice again telling her to go. To leave. Her feelings for Sebastian are very strong, and she does not want to lose him, but it needs to be done. She needs at least a break. And to see if he actually acts upon his words. 

Trembling, Riley casts a Disillusionment charm on herself as she does not want to be seen like this. Grateful that Professor Sharp has already made some potions for her, Riley decides to go to the Common Room and take one. However, her plans are abruptly interrupted. A faint, ethereal blue glow begins to materialize before her, beckoning her towards a destination she knows all too well. The Map Chamber awaits. The trial is ready. San Bakar is calling her. Time to unravel it all. 

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