Chapter 43 - Snatched

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"You are nothing but a coward, Victor," Riley says, her voice dripping with defiance as they find themselves in an abandoned location, encircled by menacing Ashwinders.

"Give me that wand, Peverell," Rookwood growls, his Ashwinders poised to strike, his desperation palpable.

"You don't even know what that wand is for or how to use it. Why do you crave it so desperately?" Riley chuckles, securely concealing the wand in her pocket while her own wand remains at the ready for the imminent duel. She is prepared to fight with every ounce of her being, resorting to any means necessary.

"It must be related to the repository, or perhaps it truly is the Elder Wand, little Peverell," Victor Rookwood sneers, and Riley rolls her eyes in response.

"Your reputation precedes you. You truly are as dense as they say," Riley laughs once more, assuming her battle stance, keenly observing her adversaries. "The Elder Wand? You need to stop believing in fairy tales. And if it was truly the Elder Wand, you would be dead already," she adds dismissively as Rookwood waves his hand, and Riley braces herself for the duel.

Swiftly casting protective charms around herself, she deflects the incoming curses. This is the moment to use ancient magic. Channelling all her focus and energy, she hurls a curse at the Ashwinders, causing them to scatter, and immediately follows it up with a nasty blaze, engulfing incoming Inferi in flames.

"Seen but not heard, right?" Riley smirks at Rookwood, unleashing ancient magic without uttering an incantation, ensnaring him by the leg. "Watch... this... then!" Each word punctuates her power as she ruthlessly hurls Victor Rookwood across the ground, his body tossed from one side to the other. Shrill cries of fear echo through the air as the Ashwinders disapparate, while the Inferi are consumed by the inferno.

"Argh!" Victor Rookwood struggles to rise, but his determination remains unyielding. "Crucio!" he bellows, and Riley is instantly consumed by excruciating pain, feeling like every fibre of her is being torn asunder. This torment is unlike anything she has experienced before. Sebastian's earlier attempt lacked true intent, but Rookwood's curse carries genuine malice.

When the agony stops, Riley stands upright, clutching her side, only to discover that Rookwood is perilously close.

"The wand. Now!" He yells, but before he can send another curse, Riley is already sending a wave of ancient magic, pushing him away.

"Stupid child! You wanted it, so there, you have it!" Rookwood yells in pain and there is a massive bang, making both, Riley and Rookwood fly a few metres away and hit the ground. Their spells collided, and they are both barely moving now.

"Avada Kedavra!" Rookwood whispers and sends a curse towards Riley, but she is faster than him and rolls out of the way.

"Imperio!" Riley hits him with the curse as well.

When he was torturing her, more memories started to be very prominent. One of them was when she was in her second year at Durmstrang, and they were teaching them how to cast and how to fight Imperio. Their teacher was very unconventional, and Riley loved it. And it all came back. She knows how to do it, and she is doing it.

"Look at you, my little minion," Riley laughs and stands up, looking around. No Ashwinders. They must have fled. And Inferi are burned down by her fire, which she extinguishes. Where exactly is she?

Victor Rookwood is standing there, but Riley can see he is fighting the curse. And he is succeeding, as there is definitely fire in his eyes that should not be. When under Imperio, you do not look at others like this.

Taking deep breaths, Riley limps towards Rookwood, staring in his face.

"I could easily destroy you right now, but I choose not to," Riley asserts, her voice laced with icy determination. "Because I have something far more fitting in mind for you. You see, I would really love to use the Cruciatus Curse upon you, to make you feel the agony you so willingly inflict upon others. But I will not stoop to your level. Instead, I will ensure that you face true justice. I will deliver you to an ex-Auror, who will see to it that you find a comfortable and cosy cell in Azkaban, reserved exclusively for you. Oh, how you'll relish your time there. The dementors, those amiable creatures, will eagerly assist you in reliving your darkest memories and deeds. Petrificus Totalus!" Riley proclaims with a triumphant smile as Rookwood crumples to the ground, petrified and rendered immobile.

Resisting the temptation to curse him, Riley opens her Nabsack and Graphorn is now standing in front of her, curiously looking around. Securing Rookwood at the back of the Graphorn, Riley is now riding the Graphorn again. She's got no idea where she is and where to go, but the Graphorn seems to be following a path, so she hopes for the best. There is a creature in front of them, flying around, landing beside them and Riley realizes it's the Thestral.

"Tess! Can you show us the way to Hogwarts?" Riley asks as she pets the Thestral she and Sebastian were riding on during their date, and Theastral spreads her wings and leads them towards the castle. Making sure to stay awake and not doze off. Her head is hurting, and she is quite sure there may be some cracked ribs. As short as her duel with Rookwood was, they both used very powerful and dark curses, inflicting a lot of damage upon each other.

"One down, one to go!" Riley shouts when they reach Hogwarts and jumps down, petting both Graphorn and Thestral on their heads. Calling Graphorn back to the Nabsack, Riley is now levitating Rookwood in front of her. "Consider yourself lucky that I have not thrown you to the troll as a dinner during our journey here," She says as she reaches the gate, but it is locked. Staring blankly at it, Riley is unsure what to do, but there is a voice coming towards her, and the gate opens.

"Thank Merlin you are okay!" Professor Fig's voice carries through and Riley smiles. "Are you, though? You look dreadful," He says and he grabs her by her shoulders, not noticing Rookwood levitating around.

"I feel it, Professor," Riley says and motions her head towards levitating Rookwood.

"Merlin's beard!" Professor Fig says in a low voice and sends a Patronus message.

Meanwhile, in Slytherin's Common Room, Professor Sharp is explaining to everyone that they need to stay here for the night, with no exceptions. No wandering tonight. He is sealing the entrance to the Common Room.

"I need to find her! You can't make me stay here!" Sebastian yells with tears in his eyes, trembling from head to toe.

"I can and I will," Professor Sharp says sternly, but there is a Patronus next to him.

She is back and she's got Rookwood. Come to the gate now, no time to spare!

Patronus disappears and Professor Sharp, without any other word, leaves the Common Room, seals the exit and runs towards the gate. When he sees the scenery in front of him, he is reminded why he's left the office.

"Drink this," He says and forces Riley into one of the potions. She looks absolutely horrible. She seems to have been in a nasty fight, undoubtedly with Victor Rookwood.

"Can you make sure Officer Singer gets him and sends him straight to Azkaban?" Fig asks and he nods, grabbing Victor Rookwood and leaving the castle, disapparating right when he leaves the school grounds.

"What happened?" Professor Fig asks Riley and steadies her, as she looks like she's about to faint. "Drink it," He motions towards the potion Sharp gave her seconds ago.

When she drinks the potion, Riley feels immediately better. Limping towards the Map Chamber, Professor Fig follows her while she explains the situation.

"Any goblins around?" He asks and Riley shakes her head, confirming their worst nightmare.

"Let's go, Professor. Let's finish this once and for all!" Riley says and looks at him, determined, and he nods with determination as well.

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