Chapter 1 - Hello, Hogwarts!

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After being attacked by a dragon and the escapade in Gringotts, the last thing Riley wanted was to stand in front of the whole school. 

"Hmmm...a lot of courage I see, and a lot of ambition. Not much loyalty, but great intellect. This is interesting, indeed." A voice echoes in Riley's head as she is sitting on a small stool, trying not to black out. It was a very long day.

"I have sorted many people over the years, and you are one of the challenging ones. But I know exactly what to do with you. RAVENCLAW!" The hat yells and Riley opens her eyes, trying not to stare at everyone. She sees Ravenclaw students clapping, and takes it as a cue to go and sit with them. Thank goodness Professor Fig explained the houses. It all seems familiar but new. Like she already knows all the information, but cannot remember a thing. 

For a quick moment, Riley looks at the professor's table. No one is really paying any attention to her, thank goodness. Except for one person. The headmaster is giving her a quizzical look, not even trying to hide it. Why?

Before she's got time to say anything, or look around, her attention is grabbed by the delicious smell of food. This is what she needs. Unfortunately, as Riley stuffs her mouth with pork chops, fellow Ravenclaws try and talk to her. Not one, or two, but quite a few. As she tries to quickly swallow so she can answer them, she starts to choke a bit.

"Let her eat in peace, she's had enough with the dragon today, she doesn't need this. Let's bother her in the common room instead." Says a voice belonging to a girl next to her, and as grateful as Riley is, she cannot hide a surprised look on her face. Words really travel fast around here. How do they know about the dragon? Who told them? 

As Riley is trying not to choke, her gaze travels across the room, to the table opposite. Slytherin. And there is someone looking at her, smiling. The moment she looks at him, he gives her an amused look and goes back to talking to the guy next to him. 

Finally able to swallow and breathe, Riley looks around, her face red. How many people were staring at her, choking on pork chops? Hopefully no one else.

 The rest of the feast goes well, and Riley is able to make some small talk with her new classmates and Ravenclaws in general. Every time she looks at the Slytherin table, the boy is engaged in a conversation with his friend. 

Why is she staring that way? Why is she looking at him? Wasn't choking on food embarrassing enough? And what was that look he gave her? It was not patronising and she couldn't see any mockery, just a smile. If only she smiled back instead of staring at him wide-eyed, choking. Hopefully, she will have a chance to introduce herself properly in the next few days. There is something about him. Something alluring she cannot explain.

"Miss Piper, can I borrow you for a while?" A soft voice says behind her when the feast is over. Riley looks at the person talking, and it is professor Weasley, the deputy headmistress. 

After a nice welcoming chat and a small tour, they are standing in front of the common room.

"This is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. You must solve a riddle to enter." Professor Weasley says and Riley smiles. She may not remember much, but she knows she loves riddles. And she is ready. 

"I need to say, I was a bit surprised by Ravenclaw. After your little adventure with professor Fig, I was sure you will be in Gryffindor, with such bravery and courage. Although the headmaster was sure you will be in Slytherin. And there you go," professor Weasley nods as Riley answers the riddle.

"Maybe I am a riddle myself." Says Riley and gives professor Weasley one more smile.

"Now, go on in and get some sleep. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." professor Weasley turns around and leaves, leaving Riley to go through the entrance. 

As the door opens, she can see a majestic statue of an eagle welcoming her, and she immediately feels at home. Her mouth is open in awe as she is taking in everything around her. It is the most beautiful place she's ever seen in her life. At least from what she can remember. 

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