Chapter 34 - Valentine's day surprise

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//hope you enjoy a bit of spice towards the end//

Spending most of her Friday evening in the Room of Requirement trying to find anything useful about ancient magic and Peverells, Riley is heading towards the Common Room. Sebastian still hasn't mentioned anything about tomorrow, which happens to be Valentine's Day. She can only hope it's some sort of a surprise.

Saturday morning, Riley is up nice and early heading towards the Great Hall for breakfast. When she sits down, a tawny owl drops a letter in front of her. Excited, Riley opens it straight away. He did not forget. It must be from him.

Dearest Riley,

Every time you look my way, you make my heart melt. Every time you smile it warms my very soul. Should you be willing to grant me a chance, I promise to cherish and adore you. Meet me at the Clocktower Courtyard at noon if you wish to give me a chance.

Your secret admirer.

Smiling from ear to ear, Riley folds the letter and starts with breakfast. Soon, other Ravenclaws join her, and so does another owl. A bit more confused, Riley reads the letter it dropped.


Happy Valentine's Day. If you ever change your mind and decide to go for a decent guy instead, you know where to find me.


Reading the letter Riley scowls and crumples it into a ball. When will he give up? This is not even funny anymore. He should at least make an effort.

"Someone's popular today," Everett says as he sits down next to her and hands her another letter dropped by an owl.

"What is happening?" Riley asks and opens it, beyond confused.

Hello Riley,

You may not even know about my existence, but I admire you a lot. Every time I see you in the Hall I wish you were a Hufflepuff, so I can see you more. I do not have enough courage to talk to you, but I can at least write this little note. I adore you.

"This is getting creepy," Riley says and shows the letter to Everett who just laughs.

"What is getting creepy?" Riley hears behind her, but before she can answer, Sebastian grabs the letter.

"Hey! Personal property!" Riley scolds him and slaps his hand playfully while she grabs the letter back.

"A love letter?" Sebastian says in disbelief and crosses his hands on his chest, not looking particularly pleased.

"Letters. Love letters," Everett whispers loud enough for him to hear.

"No worries. Your one is the only good one," Riley smiles at Sebastian who looks at her, as confused as she was seconds ago.

"I didn't write you one," He says and Riley turns around, good mood all gone.

"Oh," Is all she says and occupies herself with breakfast, ignoring Sebastian.

"Ouch," Everett whispers, but Riley grabs all the letters and leaves the Great Hall, annoyed and hurt at the same time. The tone of his voice when he said it. So cold. So harsh. Heading for the Room of Requirement, Riley is fighting back the tears again.

Meanwhile, in the Great Hall, Sebastian sits down next to Ominis, annoyed.

"Can you believe it?" He asks and Ominis sighs.

"Yes," Ominis replies in a bored voice, which makes Sebastian even angrier.

"The audacity! Why would someone randomly send a note like that to someone else? Especially when they know she is mine!" Sebastian continues his rant, but Ominis seems as uninterested as ever.

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