Chapter 5 - A new friend

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It's Sunday evening and Riley's head is about to explode. After a conversation with Professor Fig, it all starts to make sense. She is definitely the person Rookwood was looking for. But it cannot be only because of the locket. According to Professor Fig, it's got something to do with her abilities and unique kind of magic.

When Riley asked him about her past, he seemed like he genuinely doesn't know anything. But he agreed that the story she's been told may not be as it seems. According to him, her memory may have been modified, but he is not sure why. When Riley mentioned duelling and things slowly coming back to her, he just encouraged her to practise more, and hopefully, they can get to the bottom of it. But he also warned her about confiding in people without proper trust. A lot is on the line and Riley needs to be careful.

For now, she's been tasked with improving her defensive magic and waiting for an owl about their trip to Restricted Section.

After leaving the office, all the new information and all the thoughts start to spiral in her head, to the point when Riley feels like she's about to lose control. Common Room does not seem like a good option, she needs a bit of time to think about everything, and to cool down. It's only been a week, and she doesn't really know any good places to hide and be alone, except for one.

It's evening, and it's fairly cold outside, so the Courtyard it is! A small slope behind the stone fence offers enough privacy for a Ravenclaw student to sit there with their book, looking unsuspicious. And that's what Riley's doing. Sitting down on the slope with the book in her hand. She is not studying or reading, but the book offers her a good enough reason to be ignored by passers-by if there are any. Although the castle is casting enough shadow on the slope to go unnoticed.

The view is beautiful, and as much as Riley is trying to keep her mind occupied by watching various creatures fly by, she cannot help it. She starts to break down, and she can feel her eyes getting very hot and watery. After a few minutes, she completely gives up and lets the emotions flow.

"Look who's hiding in the shadows now," A voice behind her says, and Riley's eyes go wild. She was not expecting anyone to approach her here and was definitely not expecting it to be Sebastian.

Quickly wiping the tears away, Riley turns around to face him, hoping the shadows can hide her face well enough for him to not notice.

"Ominis told me that studying Arithmancy can be an arduous task but I've never thought it can be this bad and actually make people cry," Sebastian says in a matter-of-fact tone, looking at the book in Riley's hands.

"It's not...I'm's not the arithmancy. My eyes are just...sweating," Riley tries to talk without her voice shaking, but she does not seem to be doing a good job.

"While you're outside in the cold," Sebastian looks amused and shakes his head. "I may not be Ravenclaw smart, but I'm not that stupid." He adds and offers his hand to Riley, helping her to stand up.

"Do you know of any places where we can talk in private?" Asks Riley as she stands up and puts the book back in her bag.

"Quite a few. Follow me," Sebastian gives Riley a playful smile and leads the way inside, with Riley following.

After not even a minute, Riley finds herself in an unknown corridor with a lot of paintings and portraits. Sebastian grabs one of them and it turns out to be a hidden entrance. Smiling at Riley, he beckons her to go first.

It is a small, cosy room with a few chairs and a table. Riley walks towards a chair that looks comfiest, puts down her bag and sits down, lowering her head, staring at the floor.

"Can you keep a secret?" Riley asks, still staring at the floor.

"Certainly" Sebastian sits down opposite her, and when Riley looks at him, she can see he's a bit worried.

"What I'm about to tell you needs to stay between the two of us." She takes a deep breath and starts telling him everything. From the moment Professor Fig fetched her, the dragon, the Gringotts, and the locket.

"...and every time I duel, or even do magic, it's like those small fragments of memories are coming back. The spells I've never heard of are like muscle memory. My body knows them for ages, but my mind cannot figure it out. It feels like there is some magical block that is preventing me from knowing myself. Sebastian, I don't know who I am. But I know they are lying to me. And Professor Fig agrees. Why would Rookwood be so determined to get me? This cannot be a coincidence. This cannot be just because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. There must be a valid reason why Ranrok sent Rookwood to get me, not just a locket. What do they know that I don't?" Riley looks Sebastian in the eyes, trying to contain the tears. She does not want to look weak.

"I was concerned after what happened at The Three Broomsticks, but now I'm worried about you," Sebastian says and leans over, taking Riley's hands into his.

"I wish there was a way I could keep those memories that are coming back. They keep coming and going" Riley feels a bit calmer now, slowly regaining control.

"There's a Pensieve, although I'm not sure if it would help. It is not very portable and may prove difficult to carry around. You can always extract those memories when they happen and store them. And look at them closely later," He says, still holding Riley's hands.

"How do I do that?"

"That I don't know. But I have a way of learning things, so leave it up to me."

"That's very kind of you" Riley looks at Sebastian and gives him a small, grateful smile.

"Not a problem. Now, I know it may be difficult but stop worrying for a while. You need a clear mind if you want to be the next Cross Wands champion," Sebastian lets go of her hands and Riley nods.

"Exactly the distraction I need while I wait for Professor Fig's owl. Now just to find a partner for the duels."

"That I can help with as well. But I need to warn you. When we beat everyone and go against each other in the end, I will not hold back." Sebastian says in a serious voice and Riley laughs. The first proper laugh she's had this week.

"Neither will I," Riley says in the most determined voice she can master.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Now, I think we should go to the Great Hall as dinner is almost over" Sebastian stands up, and so does Riley.

"Lead the way, as I have absolutely no idea where we are," Riley takes her back and follows Sebastian down the corridor.

It takes them a good five minutes to get to the Great Hall. As they're walking, Sebastian tells Riley about his friend, Ominis. Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis used to hang out together all the time, and Ominis is as devastated about Anne not being here as Sebastian is.

When they reach the Great Hall, Sebastian opens the door and then holds them, giving Riley a small bow.

"Well, thank you. You're not a bad chap. For a Slytherin," Riley smiles at Sebastian as she walks past him, simultaneously trying to brush and not to brush against him.

"For a Ravenclaw, you certainly have a lot to learn," he says to her, and Riley cannot help it and gives him a playful slap on the shoulder, which he returns, grinning.

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