Chapter 28 - Deek's help

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It's Saturday early morning, not even 6 AM, and Riley is awake. She could not get any sleep last night, so she decided to stop trying and utilize the day. All of yesterday is replaying in her head like a bad movie. Has she overreacted? Absolutely not. The calmness she was able to master should definitely be praised. She can feel her insides raging and wanting to smash everything around, but she's better than that. She needs to keep her head cool and deal with it rationally. Emotions will not get the better of her.

Not expecting breakfast to be ready, Riley heads towards the kitchen instead. Everett gave her instructions before, and she is using them. Finding the portrait is easier than expected, and upon tickling the pear Riley finds herself surrounded by house elves. 

"Good morning. I was wondering if I can get some food to go as I would like to study while castle in quiet," Riley smiles at the elves and in a few seconds there is a massive basket full of food in her hand, and she is leaving, saying her thanks. House elves are so nice, why do wizards treat them so awfully?

The library is probably not open yet, and she does not want to be there either. Shen wants to be somewhere where no one can find her a disturb her. Sadly, the only place she can think of is the place she wants to avoid at all costs. The Undercroft. As she is aimlessly walking around, considering even the Map Chamber, she collides with someone small. 

"I'm so sorry, Miss, please forgive Deek," A little house elf squeaks and Riley feels a pang of pain when she notices how anxious the house elf is.

"No worries. It was my fault. I was not paying attention. I should be the one apologizing. Deek, you said?" She looks at the house elf and he nods. "I'm sorry Deek, I will be more careful next time," Riley smiles and can see the house elf shift nervously.

"No, no, Miss, Deek should not be in a way. But you are very kind. I know it is none of Deek's business, but may Deek please ask why is Miss walking around the castle this early on Saturday?" Deek is playing with his little fingers nervously, and Riley feels another pang, now of guilt. No wonder wizards are hated when they treat everyone like this. Poor house elves are worried to even ask questions, goblins are rebelling for centuries, and all wizards do is think they are superior. She hates this mentality. Sometimes she thinks they may be even more arrogant than Centaurs. But at least Centaurs are wise, so it is sort of justified. 

"I was trying to find a quiet place to have breakfast and study. I don't feel like company today," Riley tries to sound as pleasant as possible and Deek nods his little head in understanding. 

"Deek understands, Miss. Deek likes to be alone sometimes as well," Riley just now notices how big Deek's eyes are, and how beautiful they are. Wish she could have big eyes. Maybe Sebastian would be able to see the pain in them easier. Especially after what he said yesterday and after he almost attacked her. 

"If you have any tips you can and want to share, I would be grateful," Riley is making sure to stay as pleasant as possible, and Deek seems to be more relaxed now. 

"I know about the perfect one for you, Miss," Deek smiles from ear to ear and leads Riley to the corridor with an awful painting of a man trying to teach trolls ballet. What a silly idea. Centaurs would never be this stupid. Neither would house elves or goblins. 

"Whoa..." Riley gasps when Deek explains the Room of Requirement and she is standing there, frozen, with her mouth almost on the floor. What is this place? It is so beautiful. Bookshelves with books she's never heard of, a nice big table with sofas and chairs, and even a dedicated place where she can place the basket full of breakfast delicacies. 

"Not many know about this place. But Deek hears Professors think highly of you Miss, so Deek does not mind showing you this place. Deek likes to go here to think and explore," There is a tiny mischievous smile on Deek's face and Riley laughs, nodding approvingly.

"Thank you so much, Deek. I know I said I don't feel like company, but if you want to stay here and explore, feel free to," Riley winks at Deek and Deek excitedly looks around.

"You are more than welcome, Miss. And thank you, Miss. Deek likes to see how the room changes and what is new in it," Deek disappears very quickly and Riley is heading towards the sofa. Her stomach rumbling, Riley ignores the food for now and starts perusing through some interesting books. This is heaven!

When she finally remembers there is food waiting, it is almost noon. Riley is lying on the sofa, the basket almost empty, reading a book about memories. There is a detailed explanation of how to extract them, so you can chuck them into Pensieve and view them again, and it is not as difficult as Riley has thought. Grabbing a small vial from her bag, she tries it and succeeds, smiling at the memory. If only she could view it somewhere.

The moment she thinks that Riley hears a small crack and there is a shelf she has not seen before, with a Pensieve on it. 

"Now this is the real magic," Riley says to herself and laughs, walking towards the Pensieve. Does she really want to do this? Does she really want to experience it again? Why is she doing this to herself? But she needs to know. She needs to see. No matter how painful it is. 

"The room has everything Miss needs," She can hear Deek behind her and as he walks past her, something hits her. She cannot be truly objective. But Deek can.

"Deek, can I please ask a small favour?" Riley asks and Deek stops and quickly turns around, facing Riley, with an excited expression on his face.

"Of course, Miss. How can Deek help?" 

"I have a memory here I want to revisit. Would you join me, please? I need a second opinion. Someone who is not involved." 

"Deek would be happy to help. But Deek does respect the privacy and does not want to intrude," 

"Surely it cannot be considered that when I give you permission," Riley smiles and Deek gratefully nods. "I just ask one thing. Please keep it between us," She adds and Deek nods in agreement.

"Of course, Miss. Deek wouldn't even dream of betraying the trust Miss has given Deek."

When they both view the memory, Riley can feel the anger bubbling in her again. She did nothing wrong. She did her best to stay calm. But he did try to attack her for a split second. Was that a reflex? Involuntary? Or did he know what he was doing? Surely not...

"Mister Sallow is a good boy. But he has been distracted lately. Everyone noticed. He is not been the same since his sister left. Deek remembers all three of them, always together," Deek says thoughtfully and Riley nods.

"Do you think I overreacted there? Am I in the wrong, Deek?" She asks and Deek's eyes grow even bigger with surprise.

"Miss kept a cool head. Miss did nothing wrong. Mister Sallow is letting his emotions rule him. Miss is a good friend for trying to help him. But Mister Sallow is not what he used to be. He is bright and mischievous, but he is going down the dark path lately," Deek says almost in a whisper. Riley is happy to see Deek is not punishing himself or anything, but then again, Deek is not Sebastian's elf. It is like he reads her mind. "Don't get Deek wrong, Miss. Deek does not want to talk badly about anyone. But Mister Sallow should not be treating his friends this way. Especially not those close to him. But Deek is also not surprised at what he has witnessed in the Pensieve," Deek cowers a bit, but Riley gives him an encouraging smile.

"I am very angry at him. And I feel hurt. But I am still wondering if I really made a mistake there. I know he hates goblins, but was this reaction really appropriate?" Riley asks and Deeks plays with his fingers again.

"Miss did not let her emotions win over her. If Deek may say, Deek always thinks Ravenclaws and Slytherins are very similar, but Ravenclaws differ by not letting their emotions dictate their fate. And Mister Sallow insulted the sacred thing of Ravenclaw. Deek is fairly surprised Miss did not blow him to smithereens," Deek lets out a small giggle, and so does Riley.

"It was a very close call Deek, very close," Riley stares at the Pensieve again. Maybe not all is lost. Maybe there is still hope. 

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