Chapter 5

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He had a nice apartment. That's the nicest thing I could say about Ares, and it wasn't really about him. It had been 2 days since I moved here. Two days since I was trapped here with no escape.

And Ares made that abundantly clear.

" Darling I'm not dumb. Your father clearly doesn't care about you or what you want. So as a matter a fact I do control you. You will be my wife. And you are mine. Everything you do from what you wear and what you say will have my stamp of approval."

I saw when his honey brown eyes gleamed with some sort of evil when he said that. I would say it reminded me of a snake but, that just wasn't an accurate description. I had thought about it and the only thing that came to mind was Lucifer.

Ares clearly saw himself as a god. He's sadistic and he'll do anything to get to the top. Only he didn't want to play fair. He was the devil in human form. But it's said that lucifer was a beautiful angel before he became the devil. And God damn was Ares beautiful.

Like he was genuinely beautiful.

He was atleast 6'2 with brown hair and tan skin. His honey brown eyes bore into you even if he was on the other side of the room. He had long eyelashes that even I was envious of and a jawline that could cut through diamonds.

I would even find him attractive if it wasn't for his personality. Such a turn off. He acted like he owned me. No one owns me.

He was trying to get to me. He knew my father and my significance to him was a delicate subject. I had to be careful.

He wasn't nice, he probably couldn't be even if he tried. And seeing his words from Friday he clearly wanted revenge.

Speaking of Friday I hadn't seen him since Friday. Not at Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner. I had silently prayed each time that he wouldn't appear and I guess God had mercy on my soul.

I hated to admit it, like genuinely despised it but I think I was wrong. I remember thinking that Ares wasn't all that intimidating. He definitely was because he didn't hurt you physically.

No he would hurt you mentally. He would manipulate. What he said on Friday? That was just a glimpse.

My alarm sounded. I had been awake I just hadn't opened my eyes. I groaned and rolled over to turn it off.

I should really turn the stupid thing off it's not like I had much to do anyway, I was stuck with the devil of the mafia world. Or El Sol. One of the only Spanish words I knew. The sun.

There was nothing sunny about Ares though.

I checked my phone to see if I had any notifications, maybe a text message. Nothing. I hadn't expected much from my mom and dad but Dmitriy? He seemed so worried for me but he hadn't texted me since the day he dropped me off.

It stung. Like hell.

I sighed and got out of my bed. The room provided to me wasn't absolutely horrible. Just lackluster. It's had white walls, white bed sheets, a gray couch, and white dressers. There was even a reading nook with you guessed it white cushions.

What was it and this man's obsession with white?

The bathroom was just a tad bit more colorful. With a marble sink and a large mirror that was so precisely clean if I slightly touched it you could see my fingerprints.

Not the best place to commit a murder, got it.

It had a nice marble shower and a bathtub which also worked as a Jacuzzi. Which seemed strange because I had only ever seen hotels do that but hell I wasn't complaining.

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