Chapter 17

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I Liked to think of myself as a fairly confident person. Yes there were things that made me nervous. But for the most part I was confident. Or so I believed.

I was currently looking at my phone screen which was lit up with the name "Alexis" on it. Alexis had given me her number a few weeks ago when I went to eat dinner with Ares's family.

I'd never called or texted her because well...I was a bit nervous.

Obviously I looked up to Alexis and I admired her very much. But, she was also quite scary. Ever since she told Daniel that she had tortured 121 people, I've been intimidated by her.

I was waiting for her to text or call me first but, that never happened so I sort of forgot we even had each-others numbers in the first place.

Now I was standing there like an idiot deciding wether or not to answer the call.

Just answer it.

But what if it was an accident and she didn't mean to call me?

Then the phone wouldn't have been ringing for this long just answer the call.



Was I having an argument with myself over wether or not I should answer this call? Absolutely.

Whatever. I clicked the green accept button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Alexis-"

"Si no paras te voy a matar."

(If you don't stop I'm going to kill you.)

Ok...not what I was expecting. Not that I understood what she was saying but from her tone of voice she sounded pretty mad.


"Hazel." The way she said my name had sent shivers up my spine and not the good kind.

"Sorry for interrupting you but I just pulled Ares off of...what was his name?" The question was there but it didn't seem directed at me.

"I. Don't. Fucking. Know." It was a barely there voice but you could hear it.

It was full of anger and rage. Which paired with the fact Alexis had just mentioned Ares made me believe that the voice belonged to Ares.

"I'm seriously considering dismantling your head from your body and feeding it to the sharks at the beach we just passed." Alexis said in a clipped and annoyed tone.

" everything ok?" I asked worried.

"Oh yeah sorry about that. Uhm...I don't remember his name but you know that Ex boyfriend of yours?"

Daniel? What had happened to Daniel?


"Yes. I knew his name started with a D. Anyway I was asking for a table at this restaurant when I saw your Ex boyfriend on the floor all bloodied and bruised and My dearest brother on top of him. Punching him."

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