Chapter 14

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I hated a lot of things. I hated Nikolay. I hated Hazel. I hated reading. I hated myself most of the time. But, there were very few things I despised.

One thing I did despise though was when Alexis was right. Not because she bragged about it and made sure you knew she was right.

No Alexis was to "righteous" for that she just silently kept her victory too herself and brought it up later. And you couldn't argue with her because she was always right.

She's done it on multiple occasions with multiple people. But, I seem to be her favorite target. And it seemed I was going to be her target once again.

Her words were still stuck in my head like a bell that was ringing.

"When are you going to admit it?"

"Admit what?"

"Que estabas celoso." Alexis said crossing her arms over her chest.

(That you were jealous)

"De que estas hablando?" I said blinking at her.

(What are you talking about?)

"Yesterday dumbass. You were clearly jealous and you're clearly in denial about it."

"Jealous about what?"

"The history Hazel and Daniel have."

"There's nothing to be jealous about."

"Then explain what those reactions were yesterday. Staring into the guy's soul? Barking demands at him? Balled up fists? Oh and let's not mention the broken vase?"

At the time I just blamed it on the idea that Daniel could have influence over Hazel and her choices. I could be realistic. I knew she was conspiring with her father. She could betray me at any given moment.

But, atleast I could be prepared. With Daniel I wasn't so sure about that.

At this point though I don't know if I didn't like the idea of Daniel around Hazel just because he could be influential.

I might've been...just a little bit jealous.

And I'm currently just a little bit jealous. And it sucks. Like this shit genuinely sucks. I had absolutely no right to be jealous. But, here I was giving death glares to any man who approached Hazel and asked her to dance.

Thank God she hadn't accepted, I don't know what I would've done if she had. All I did know was if she had accepted it wouldn't have ended up well.

After Hazel turned down another guy she turned around and walked down the wall. I followed her every step with my eyes.

Yes I did hate Hazel and if I had the opportunity to kill her I would. But, that didn't mean I wasn't attracted to her.

And she looked so goddamn good in that dress. When I saw her walk down the stairs in that dress I was speechless. I was so speechless I didn't say anything and just walked out.

But that's besides the point. Because she looked so god damn good in that dress it was difficult to keep my eyes off of her.

Oh and did I mention when she walked her hips swayed in such a tempting way.

You'd think the devil reincarnated himself into a 5'6 beautiful blonde.

I wasn't technically a saint either. Maybe I too was some type of devil in her eyes. I mean she probably saw me as the man that took away her life from her by forcing her into marriage.

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