Chapter 8

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Look wise Harmony didn't look much like either of my parents. She looked like my Abuela who also had blonde hair. But, personality wise she was the most like my mother.

My mother loved to socialize. She loved talking. We would wait hours for her to finish a conversation. Sometimes Alexis and I would fall asleep in chairs waiting for her to finish conversing.

Turns out Harmony also got that trait. She's been talking non-stop ever since Hazel showed her how the ring looked on her.

"Oh my God it looks absolutely gorgeous on you."

"I'm so glad I didn't use it dont get me wrong it's beautiful but it looks so much better on you."

"I genuinely think this ring was made for you."

She continued to shower her in compliments and then somehow she started talking about how Grayson and her met and how they fell in love. Honestly I tuned her out after the first few minutes.

I love Harmony I do. But, I had heard this story atleast 300 times I knew each detail. By heart. Against my will.

"Wait so you're saying it took Grayson 1 whole year to admit he loved you?" Hazel raised an eyebrow.

It did infact take Grayson a year to tell Harmony he loved her. Though the rest of us had already come to that realization beforehand.

Grayson and Harmony met at a party that they were both attending. Apparently, Grayson was quite the play boy back then. He never committed to anyone or anything.

So, essentially he just saw Harmony as a quick fling. But, Harmony wasn't putting up with any of that. She knew he would want a quick fling but she wanted to see how far he'd be willing to go for a hook up.

So she played the long game. He could only appropriately flirt, He couldn't suggest anything sexual between them, and he couldn't touch her without her giving him permission first.

Grayson was willing to play that long game I suppose because now he's married to her. It just took him a while to get there and realize "Hey I really love this girl."

"Listen, I was a pretty stubborn guy back then." Grayson said seeming lost in thought.

He was probably thinking back to that time period in his life.

"So what made you realize you were in love with Harmony?" Hazel seemed incredibly invested in Harmony and Grayson's love story.

Grayson smiled. "Believe it or not Alexis was the one who helped me realize it."

That part never made sense to me. I don't think it made sense to Alexis either. Because the word love and Alexis don't go in the same sentence.

Honestly neither do Ares and Love. But, atleast all's fair in love and war. Alexis is a whole massacre though and even she doesn't have a clue how this happened.

"Alexis?" Hazel looked over at Alexis who seemed just as equally bored as I was.

"Yeah...I don't remember it very well. I just remember being very irritated with Grayson."

Grayson chuckled "Irritated is a nice way to put it. I'm pretty sure Alex had gotten hurt and was trying to clean and take care of the wound. But, Harmony had just kicked me out of her room and I was complaining about Harmony's unreasonable requests."

Grayson put air quotes around the words unreasonable requests.

"I remember exactly what Alexis said, she told me to man up and stop complaining. She said the only reason I was complaining in the first place was because I had commitment issues and I was afraid that anyone I cared or loved would leave me."

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