Chapter- 13 Introductions

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Shinso had found himself unable to follow after the fake Abby Monroe for some time as he tried to pull his mind together, so he was forced to watch her interaction with Yamaguchi on tape because, by the time he pulled himself together, she was already gone.

Unlike last time, the faux Abby Monroe did not let Yamaguchi begin his theatrics. She intentionally stuck to the shadows as he was shackled down to the table and chair. Had Shinso not already figured out she was an imposter, he would have known right then due to the fact that she was cloaking her presence expertly.

Abby Monroe wrapped both of her hands over Yamaguchi's eyes without a single word exchanged seconds before the man's screams mixed with the blindingly bright golden light.

"That's where it cuts off, sir. After that she just walks out," the guard grumbled in confusion. "Was Miss Monroe okay today? She seemed a bit tense this evening."

Even though Shinso technically had enough evidence to sound the alarms that they had an imposter in their midst, there was a selfish part of him that wanted to gather more information on the unknown woman who maybe possessed two quirks because he hadn't figured out how she was changing her appearance so drastically. His childhood friend, Lore, and Shoto Todoroki, had two, so it wasn't exactly out of the realm of impossibilities, yet somehow he knew that puzzle piece didn't quite fit.

"She was fine Jerry. Thank you for letting me review the video. I'll be going now."

As the tall hero saw himself out, Jerry looked at his partner and asked, "are heroes getting weird and weird by the day, or is it just me?"


After the illegally fast drive back to the agency, Shinso ripped into the parking lot to park in his assigned parking spot between Fumikage and Kuroiro, yet the spot was already taken by a sleek white tesla.

"What the fuck?" Shinso murmured to himself as he was forced to park down by a tacky cherry red Camaro a particularly obnoxious birdie drove.

Shinso began counting the individual grains of patience he possessed after the long retrospectively exhausting day. He walked into his agency and instantly wanted to leave. Hawks was standing on a table doing what looked suspiciously like some seriously terrible theater acting.

His long red wings reached down and plucked a tiny woman off her feet and flew her up on the table with him. Hawks' golden eyes smiled cheekily as he crowed, "'Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow!'"

Shinso's eyes nearly got lost in the back of his head.

Dark Shadow noticed his expression and cackled, "welcome to hell Toshi!"

"Thanks, Shadow," Shinso sighed as he crashed down next to Kuroiro who dutifully handed the big purple man a cup of much-needed coffee. To his shadow-skinned friend, he said, "I love you."

"Kiss me later. We got a shit show to watch right now," Kuroiro snickered.

Shinso was suddenly much more tolerant of the weirdness because of the hot cup of bean juice in his hand, so he didn't nearly lose his eyes when a familiar girly voice giggled, "'Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. For then your love would also change.'"

Hawks went off script of their stupid quote game by purring, "my feelings for you would never change, Juliette."

Hawks's crimson wings parted to show a tiny golden woman Shinso instantly recognized as Miss Fate. Her long honey-colored locks danced around her dress-covered body as she slid her hands beneath Hawks' fur-lined khaki jacket and pushed on his more narrow but incredibly built chest.

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