Chapter- 55 Her Place

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After throwing a birthday party for the eldest Bakugo daughter, the wild little girl got the greatest gift she could ever wish for.

Eitarou gave her a single kiss on her pudgy cheek, and with a face of bright red shyness, the older boy grunted under his breath,

"Happy birthday, Koko."

Everyone tried not to make eye contact with the girl's rabid father, who was glaring daggers at his best friend in life, but the redhead titan could only laugh, "Guess my boy is a little sweet on your daughter, huh?"

When Bakugo tried explode him to hell, everyone broke out in their respective forms of laughter, and that happy soundtrack was the backdrop to the last evening of that year's Bakusquad Family vacation.

Returning to life was fairly simple thanks to Shinso peeling Denki off her and muting his cries of 'going to go into peach-withdrawls if he didn't get his daily 57 kisses!'.

Much to her surprise, Kendra wasn't at the apartment when she got home, but that was a-okay because, "I'm so sleepy!!!"

Fae flopped face-first into her bed after throwing her suitcase full of unpacked clothes into the corner of her messy room. As she snuggled beneath her warm covers, she thought back on all that had happened over the long weekend. She and her boyfriends had further solidified their relationship by saying they loved each other, she had been introduced to a very important part of their families, she was officially accepted as an honorary girlfriend of the Bakusquad, Shinso had let her and Denki top him for the first time since she began dating them, and overall it was just an amazingly fun time!

Fae giggled to herself in glee as she hugged her pillow to her chest and squealed.

After a few moments of goofy happiness, she pulled her phone off the bedside charger and sent a quick text.

To MyToasti💜🍞 and MyKing👻💛

I love you both so much!

From his spot in his bed, Shinso smiled at his phone as he petted his black cat and replied,

I love you too kitty


With shampoo dripping down his face, Denki blinked through the pain and waterlogged his phone as he simply had to respond his girl's message that second.


Each of the three lovers spent that night at their own homes as they prepared to return to reality, but no matter how far apart they were their lover-filled hearts meant they had never felt closer.


Fae slung her purse over her shoulder as the final bell of the school day rang. With a pooped smile she chirped, "Alright, I know it's a Monday, but don't forget about your homework! I expect each and every one of you to turn it in bright and early tomorrow morning, okay?"

She leveled a certain spikey-haired ravennete a hard look and pointed her dry-erase marker at him. "Even you Kota."

He looked off to the side and plopped his cheek on his fist. "Tch."

Eri raised her hand high in the air and grinned, "Don't worry Miss Fate! I'll make sure he does it!"

"It's not your responsibility to help him with his homework, Eri, but I appreciate all of your hard work. Keep it up, sweetheart."

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