Chapter- 16 UA Run-in

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Kendra crossed her arms over her chest as she watched her zombie of a best friend trudge into the kitchen. Fae pulled open their small fridge and sighed, "you can stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're worried about me."

She didn't even wait for Fae to finish pouring her cup of iced coffee, she simply stated, "I am worried about you. You haven't been sleeping, eating, or even showering!"

Fae held up her cup. "I'm drinking liquids at least."

"Water! You need water, not caffeine."

"Close enough," Fae sighed, and Kendra watched her eyes flash gold and zone out again.

"Fae, seriously, you haven't slept in days, and I don't even want to know how long it's been since you've eaten real food."

Fae could still hear decently well when watching the future, so she murmured distractedly, "I'll eat at lunch today."

"You always say that!" Kendra got up and marched into the kitchen. She did the one thing that she knew would get Fae's attention.

She stole her coffee.

Fae blinked away her foresight and gasped, "hey!"

Kendra held the cup up and away from Fae's seeking fingers. "No. You need to listen to me, you're not taking care of yourself, and I'm seriously concerned."

Fae's eyes looked especially bright due to the dark black circles looming beneath the gentle eyes that blinked up at her best friend sleepily. "I know you are, but there are so many things I need to do."

"Pumpkin, let me help. I-I know you can't always tell me things, but there has to be something I can do."

Fae plopped her head on Kendra's soft tits and used them like a pillow as she sighed, "I needed to plant the seeds of remembrance for Hitoshi, try and track down Rin Hiryu because he didn't show up at the darn prison like I saw him doing, and make sure Chisaki isn't up to something too. But the real reason I've been spending so much time in the future is that there's something I can't see."

Kendra quickly asked, "like at the warehouse?"

"I don't know," Fae admitted. "I keep altering my path to see if I can get a different outcome, but no matter what I do there is always this veil..."

"Veil?" Kendra had learned to pick up on the subtle ques of Fae's intentionally vague statements. She set the coffee down. Fae tried to trash panda snatch the cup, but Kendra put her hands on her smaller shoulders and forced Fae to look at her again. "Fae, do you mean like death veil, bridal veil, or some other weird barrier veil?"

Based on Fae still trying to stretch her t-rex arms for the coffee and not panicking, Kendra knew it wasn't likely to be the first option, but she didn't feel much better when Fae shrugged, "no clue. It's just like all the lights get short-circuited and everything goes dark for a while."

"Why are you not taking this seriously??" Kendra demanded as her brown hands cupped Fae's soft cheeks. "Pumpkin, this is a big deal."

"Because," Fae hissed in victory as she snapped up the cup, sipped her drink, and sighed much happier, "I can still see our ultimate goal is accomplished. I'll just need to find a way around the dark period, and then we can go about our lives."

"You seem much too confident," Kendra deadpanned.

The overly cocky woman hadn't been bitch slapped with the unkind paddle of reality like the rest of us, so she giggled, "everything will be fine! But I need to put on my horns, some concealer, and shake my tail feathers before Principle Aizawa kills me for being late...again."

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