Title: Papa Francisco, Mabuhay Po Kayo
Topic: Experience of the Papal Visit
By: amlorrz
"I did not care if I had no money that time because when that time comes, I know there are people who'll support me," that was what my mom always told us when we were in Manila. I suppose I should tell you all about it. Let's go back to the Year 2014.
When my mom heard about the Papal visit here in the Philippines, she was eager to meet Pope Francis. In fact, she started singing the official song for the Papal visit; "We are all God's Children" by Jamie Rivera. At that time, I was very aware of her eagerness. She and dad did their best to achieve it. Then one day, mom asked me if I want to go to Manila. I was silent because I don't know what to say. I mean I'm excited alright but also nervous about the journey and I don't even know why.
Then the Papal Visit was almost here. Now back to the present year-- 2015. Since the "City of Dreams" is pretty far from our place, we first went to Cebu through water transportation and to get my brother. Next, we board the plane at noon. To be honest, I was afraid of myself if I'll vomit while in the plane, as you all know it was my first time to ride an airplane, but luckily I didn't. Finally, we arrived at our destination around 2pm but we still have to wait for our relatives get us. And that leaves me eating lunch around 3pm. I forgot to mention that we didn't have lunch in Cebu since our flight kept on delaying from 10pm to 11pm to 12nn due to the late arrival of the plane. Lunch was delicious, I say.
My mom and my brother went to get our IDs and tickets. After that, we didn't go exploring just yet. We went to the hotel we're staying put our bags there since almost all of it was very heavy. But when we arrived at Roxas Boulevard, it was already close. We had to walk with our heavy bags. As we were walking, my stomach began to ache. I didn't have time to tell it to my parents because at the same time we were in a hurry before the police will prevent us from crossing again on Roxas Blvd. Plus, I don't want to burden them more. We passed Vito Cruz, Taft Avenue, de Ocampo street, Singalong street and Estrada street. And at last, we arrived at Residencia Hotel! I quickly went to the comfort room as we got in our room. I vomited a little, but still I didn't let them know about it. We hurried back to Roxas Blvd but we were too late. We can't cross anymore. We tried to find ways for us to cross. We went right, but nothing, then left and still nothing. We saw a large screen there, and whenever Pope Francis was shown, all of the people there would cheer!
Then, I got tired and sat down on a bench. We gave up since there are no options left for us. There, we waited until Pope will pass. Again, people would cheer here and there every time the Pope is seen in the screen. I was expecting to see and hear loud cheers when the Pope passes, but that very moment when the Pope passed, there were less noise. It was like there was something that kept them silent but happy. I, on the other hand, didn't see him because of the large crowd and I was small. I was kind of upset, but I told myself that tomorrow is going to be better.
The next day, we woke up early so we could start walking. You know why that is? Because almost all roads near the hotel were closed, and why, again? We were so close to the venue-Apostolic Nunciature-- where the Pope is staying. There was only one street between us. Anyway, we rode LRT then a jeep then walk again. After we ate breakfast, we waited outside the MOA Arena. When people started going inside, we had trouble finding our line-the red ticket line, there are also blue tickets and white tickets. As we approach the line for the red tickets, there was a very long line. And after you get passed the gate, you have to line again to get inside the arena. While I was waiting, I began to feel myself vomiting any moment, so I clenched my stomach as if that would stop me in the meanwhile. But this time, my parents, even my brother, already knew what I was feeling. Mom said I had nausea, stomach ache and I was starving to death. I was relieved when we got in the arena and rushed myself to the comfort room. And by that time, it was already 12:45pm.
Mom bought us something to eat and later on, we went to a free photo booth. No matter what I do to distract what I felt, it just keeps harder and harder for me to have fun. If only I could do something about this, but all I could do was to sit down and to head down. At least my family was having fun. Around 2pm, we were already seated. While waiting for 5pm -- the time Pope will come-- there were entertainments showed by El Gamma Penumbra, Lyca Gairanod, kids from different orphanage, and Dyords Javier. Once the show was done, we were given time to go to the comfort rooms while the doors were still open. After a few minutes, the doors were closed and Pope Francis was on his way in his Pope Mobile. When we saw the live news on the screen, everyone cheered, in and outside the arena! But what I didn't expect most was that when the Pope entered the arena, my body felt like I wasn't very sick. I tried to think of vomit, but I didn't. I was very happy that my energy was back. We all shouted, "Lolo Kiko! We Love You!" a lot of times. For the whole Liturgy of the Word of Pope Francis, I felt okay, in fact, better than okay, I felt great!
He started addressing the whole crowd, "I want to say something.. But my English is poor. Can I speak Spanish?" and we all laughed and said yes. While the whole Liturgy of the word, I couldn't stop myself from crying, especially the part where our beloved Pope said "have you ever stopped dreaming about your family?" It hit me the most, because when I pray for the Holy Family, I would always pray for me. I only mention them sometimes when it crossed my mind or someone would remind me. My eyes kept on raining and as quickly as I could, I wipe them away because I wasn't used to cry with my family at times like this. I remember one of his sentences: "I have a statue of Saint Joseph on my desk. Whenever I have a bad dream, I would write it down and put it under the statue so he could also dream of it" and "To sleep is to dream and to dream is to pray." Those words of him, stayed, stay, and will stay with me forever. There was also a testimony of people with disability. While I was listening to the testimony, I reflected to myself when I was 12 years old. I always discriminate people, especially people like them. Again, tears flooded my eyes. Fortunately, none of my parents or my brother saw it. When the Liturgy was almost done, Jamie Rivera sang the song "We are all God's Children" with the kids who performed earlier. While she sang it, we also joined in and that time, I felt like I was blessed by the Holy Spirit.
My body was energized the whole encounter with Pope Francis! It ended up more or less 8pm. We had dinner and bought some foods, in case we get hungry in the middle of the night. The next day, it was time for us to go back to Visayas. While we were at the airport, I watched the news about our Pope. Like the time we took off for Manila, it was same as we took off for Cebu. But then something that I didn't expect my stomach would do when the plane took off, my stomach began to ache. Besides, what I was feeling, Jesus blessed me a new friend from Australia.
When we arrived in Cebu, nothing changed from my health status. I watched the live coverage of our Pope in Tacloban City. As I listened to his homily, from the start to the beginning, I cried every minute. It's true that our City had not been really affected by the typhoon but when I saw the news about the damages Typhoon Yolanda did to other parts of Visayas, it made me cry for some reason. And when we got home around 9pm, still I felt sick more than ever. So, I hugged my bed and slept. The next day, I woke up seeing news about Pope Francis. I sat down and watched every news about him. Then I noticed that he looks tired. He made people happy; he smiled and waved like nothing could tire him, but if you look closely, you'll realize that he covered those just to let us be more evangelized. Even while he was flying to Tacloban, I really, really salute him for that. I mean, that was dangerous and you need a strong faith, mercy and compassion to get there without being a scaredy-cat. He didn't want to turn down his people even when there are strong winds and rain. That my friend is what I call the true "PAPA." He was really showing us that the Holy Father was in him. As far as I know, he didn't go here to be himself, but to be one with the Father and to fill us.
When I was told to write this article, I was happy but I had problem in writing because no words can explain what I felt, saw and heard for the whole Papal Visit. Was it amazing? Awesome? Cool? No. It was beyond explanations. As I end this, I can only say that Jesus is with me while writing this whole article and I felt, feel, and will always be blessed.
To God be the glory.

RandomWattMag_Ph June 2015: Unveiling the New Generation