TITLE: I thought what I did was enough
TOPIC: EP: Perks of being an achiever (with disadvantages)
"Goodbye Facebook, Hello Textbook!" is the common line of an achiever a month before the first day of school. Well, as an achiever, you need to prepare yourself for the battle that you are going to face the next school year. You need to start the year with a blast as if you're really ready for the battle of the brains you're going to face in the future.
Well, being an achiever is really amazing. It helps people boost their confidence and it helps them to be proud of what they've done. Though it's a tough game to face, it has lots of perks and benefits that you could use in the future.
It helps you develop your communication skills- Basically, if you're an achiever, you're mostly sent to different seminars and trainings by your school. In that way, you could practice your way of communication towards other people and you could socialize with other people that will make it easier for you to make friends out of other people.
It helps you experience things that are once in a lifetime- Have you ever experienced being in a class and you're the one who's always got picked up / chosen whenever they are in need of a class representative? Well, that's one of the perks of being an achiever. You can experience once in a lifetime happening because you've always been chosen by your classmates or teachers whenever they need someone from your class. Usually, if the school is in need of a class representative, it's either they'll send you out to represent your school or they'll send you out to experience something crazy and adventurous.
It helps you develop your leadership skills- If you're an achiever, they look at you like you're the most responsible person in the world, as if you are Superman or Wonder woman who can do everything in just a snap. Well, people will trust you that you can lead everyone since you have different experiences where you've learned a lot from it.
You're most trusted by the people around you- If you're an achiever, you're more likely to be trusted with things that are really important because they know that you're responsible enough to handle them. In that case, one of the perks of being an achiever is to be trusted by people without any hesitations and doubts.
Though being an achiever has its own perks, it also has its own disadvantages. It is so hard to become an achiever because of the high expectations given to you by the people around you, but for you to overcome those expectations, you have to believe yourself.
Listed below are some of the disadvantages of being an achiever.
Expectations- If you're an achiever, expect HIGH EXPECTATIONS from the people around you. Expect them to expect something from you. Take these expectations not as a bad thing, but as a challenge for you to be better. Prove to them that you cannot reach their expectations, but you can go beyond their expectations.
Bullies- If you're an achiever, you're most likely be bullied by other students. They bully you because they've seen something from you that they want to achieve, but they know that they cannot, that's why the only thing that cross their minds is to bully you for you not to succeed in the thing that they want to be theirs.
You need to be perfect/a role model- If you're an achiever, a good attitude or a good character is always expected of you. You need to be perfect, you need to be a role model, in short, you need to be someone who is not really you. Well, obviously, perfectionism is much expected from achievers. You need to act properly. I am not saying that we shouldn't act properly, but we're humans. We cannot be perfect, we can also make our own mistakes. Like for example, as a student, you experience to joke with your classmates, that sometimes will lead to dirty or nasty jokes. As an achiever, you are expected to not laugh with those jokes instead, you should be the one to tell them to stop, but how are you going to control yourself not to laugh if the joke is really funny and you're really having fun talking to your classmates, right?
Well, these are just some of my insights about being an achiever. Just keep in mind that in anything that you do, give your best shot because second chances are barely given.
It's really hard to be an achiever. Sometimes, you'll feel that you're not contented with what you've done. You'll overthink, you'll be afraid to do something wrong, worse, you'll be paranoid with the things that are happening around you.
There are times that you're going to tell yourself... "I thought what I did was enough but it isn't". Sometimes, you'll feel that what you did is not enough to reach other people's expectations. There are times that you're going to ask yourself why do you need to stress yourself up with school works unlike your other schoolmates who're just chilling. But I know, for sure, in time, you'll realize the true meaning of achieving the things other people want to have.
As a student, even if you're an achiever or not, you should be responsible with your responsibilities as a student. Grab every chance given and offered to you. Remember, every achiever started from zero.

RandomWattMag_Ph June 2015: Unveiling the New Generation