Fighting is not an Option.

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Jake POV.

Its been a month when Dhaimy and Jaxcel broke up and I guess this is the worst break up for Jaxcel he's allways drunk, allways getting into fight but I never see him sleep with random girls. I guess he's still waiting for Dhaimy to come back to him. Poor guy this is much worst than Zoe.

"Hey Dude will you stop drinking." I was about to grab the bottle of beer but he snap my hand away.

"Dont you touch my Beer." then he was about to drink again when a hand stop him.

"Stop it!!" I look at to the owner of the hand and see Zoe.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM???" then he storm out of the room.

"Jaxcel!!" Zoe call out Jaxcel name but he didnt look.

"Zoe I think you should leave. Jaxcel need sometime alone." then I was about to follow Jaxcel when Zoe hold my hand to stop me.

"Who is Dhaimy??" she ask with full of anger in her eyes.

"Dhaimy is the one that make him forget all the hurt that you make. then suddenly you came back and proclaim that your still his girlfriend. I suggest you leave Jaxcel alone cause your just causing more pain to him." then she let go of my hand I was about to walk when she start talking.

"I dont have a choice." then I see her crying.

"No. You do have a choice, and you choice to leave him without a word." then I left her and follow Jaxcel.


Jaxcel POV.

"Jaxcel, Dude you need to sit down your drunk you cant drive." Jake took the keys from my hand.

"Give it back." I was about to grab the keys from his hand but he snap my hand away from the keys.

"Dude would you just listen." Im tierd of people getting in my business.

"Shut up and give my GAD DAMN KEYS." I punch him in the face and he punch me also in the face. I slam him on the floor and punch him but he lossen now his on top of me then his punching me. I kick him off and punch him in the stomach but he punch me first in the face that make me lost my balance.

"Dude what the hell is your problem? do you think Dhaimy's going to come back to you if your doing all of this Sh*t. your Gad Damn wrong!! I think thats why she left you, your so hard headed you dont listen. Yout like a kid crying for love. Dude be a man and fight for that love that you want, fight for that girl that you want to be Love. Nothings going to change if you do nothing." then he left.

"I dont now what I want anymore." I didnt even think that me and Jake were going to fight like this we never hurt each other. "What is happening to me?"


Dhaimy POV.

I was going to the Bloody Club when I saw Jake with bruses on his face.

"Jake." I call out his name then he look at my derection.

"Dhaimy?" he look at me with a weird look.

"Hey. What happen to you? Did you got into a fight?" then he gave me a weak smile.

"Yeah! its really nothing." then he was about to walk past me when I stop him.

"With who?" I look direct into his eyes and I could see that his angry seeing me.

"Oh nothing important person. you know him..... you know him very well." then he was about to walk away.

"Jaxcel?" I ask.

"Yeah! His been a little hard headed this past couple of weeks...... you know people who got broken. they blame every person that they know."

"Im sorry." then he turn to look at me.

"Dont appologize to me. Appologize to him." then he really left me.

I dont know how!! I m to afraid to face him. After breaking up with him, I was now being an Barbei Doll to Jeff. Yes. you heard it right I need to be with Jeff for the safety of Jaxcel and his parent's life. I now "Why dont I just report it to the police" well Jeff has his own connection, connection that I dont have.

"Ring.Ring.Ring" When I look at the screen Jeff is calling.

"What?" I said with a piss tone.

("Dhaimy I've been waiting for you about half an hour ago.") Jeff with a piss tone.

"Okay. Im on my way." then I hang up.

"Agrrr I just want to kill him so I could return to Jaxcel and we could live happly ever after." wake up Dhaimy your not in a Love story Movie your in an Horror Movie that you been kidnap by an badperson and his name is Jeff.

Hay so much for having a daydream.


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