So Close ....

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Dhaimy POV.

"hmm.....aww my head hurt!!" I look around and O-o............. wait where am I ?? I was about to stand up....

"hey your a wake!! do you want something to drink??"

O-O what the heck is going on??

"Jaxcel ...... what are you doing here??"

"ahm because this is my house!!" ^__^

"What happen last nig....." O_O Jeffrey ....... i saw him last night.

"ahm you were in danger so came to the rescue!! by the way who are those guys??"

i didn't answer him i stand but i got dizzy and.....

"woooohh hey you shoudn't stood up you need to rest your still weak!!" his tree last words stack in my head like a radio repeating over and over again.

"IM NOT WEAK!!" then my tear flow in to my cheek...... im punching his chest and....

"Your not Weak your just tired!!" then she hug me and pat my shoulder....

"everything is going to be okay!!" I just cry and cry then as my eyelid got heavier and heavier I fell a sleep.


"I love you Imy!!" the little girl hold her bigsister hand.

"I love you more Zoe." then they hug each other....


"Imy whats going on??" the girl look into her big sister eyes.

"don't worry i won't leave your side!! just hold my hand and never let go!! okay!!" Imy smile at her little sister.



"ZOEY!!" then the guy hit Zoey in the head.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! GET OFF OF ME!! ZOEYYYYYY!!" Dhaimy hit the guy in his dignity.

Dhaimy run to Zoey that is lying on the ground. As she hold Zoey's body there's blood every where.

"ZOEY...... aaaaaaahhhhh ZOEY I'm sorry.... I'm sorry." T-T Dhaimy hug Zoey....



"hmm.....hmm.... O_O .... ZOEY"

its just a dream.

its just a dream. then a tear flow in my cheek. its not just a dream it happen 4 years ago. its all my fault.

"Imy i love you big sister "

Zoey .....


Jaxcel POV.

I'm here at my bed I couldn't sleep because of Dhaimy's  action lately. I could feel that she is really in such pain. but I wounder why.....

"ZOEY....." I heard Dhaimy shout. I run as fast as I can to her room.

I open the door and I see Dhaimy was like catching her breath. and she was crying.

I run to her side and hold her and pat her back.

"hey its okay. its okay. I'm here" then she look at me and ....... she hug me tight I was more suprise when she sit in my lap.

"dont leave me plss."

I thought this girl was tough and have no fear but I was wrong she's like a pearl looking hard in the outside but very soft in the inside.

"i won't." then I hug her tight.

"promise?" then she lift her face to look at me.

"I promise." while raising my right hand. then she buried her face in my neck.

Im so sweating and my Buddy is getting Wild. This is one hell of a torture given this beautiful woman clinging on me and sitting on my lap.

Jaxcel stop thinking of her soft, sexy body and her beautiful breast that rubbing in your chest ..... I failed!! what can I do I'm just a man and this woman is what I need.

"hmm...." I heard her moan and that's make my buddy more excited and I think she feeling my buddy because she's sitting on my lap.

"Im sorry' we said in chorus. She was about to move then I stop her.

"its fine!" I said in serious and a bit husky way. we stared at each other for a moment then my eyes were set to her lips. How badly I want to kiss those soft pink lips of her.

I started to move my head down her if she's going to punch me she better do it now or else I can't control myself anymore.....

When our Lips touched, just like how I expected, it feels so damn good.

She's not good at it. I tried to open my mouth and tried to deepen the kiss. I deepen more the kiss and I slightly bit her lower lip that made her moan. So Damn Sexy. I entered my tongue inside her mouth. She seem tensed by my gesture but she didn't stopped me instead she gladly fight for dominance. I break our kiss for sec. to take off my shirt after that I kiss her neck then her lips intensely so she moan a little louder.

"HMMM." I was going to take her shirt off when she hold my hands to stop.

"Stop." I stop kissing her.

"I'm sorry...... I wasn't thinking" as she buried her head in my neck.

"Im sorry to." she said in a very husky way. she was about to stand up. I stop her.

"We can sleep like this!! I promise i won't do anything!!" then she smile at me and hug me. she place her hand around my waist.

"I trust you..... Good night Jaxcel" then she kiss me in the lips.

"Sweet Dreams Dhaimy!!" I kiss her in her forehead.

"Thank you Jaxcel."

"Your welcome Dhaimy"

then we fell a sleep.


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