Good Bye!!

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Jaxcel POV.

I woke up and see my Mom still sleeping. Were still here at the Hospital and thank God that my Mom just collaps and nothing more. I look around to the room I didn't see Dhaimy. I guest she went down to get something to eat. My eyes caught something its a note from Dhaimy.


I'm sorry.



After I read her note I grab my phone and dail her no. After three rings she answer.

("Hello!") her voice sound sad.

"Dhaimy where are you? Why did you left without telling me." I said I'm feeling something isn't right.

("I'm tired") her voice is still the same its sound very low. its so unlike Dhaimy.

"What's going on?" I'm getting more worride.

("nothing. don't call me.") then she hang up.

"Dhaim....." theres something wrong. I dailed her no. again but she's not answering. I try again still no answer. I try texting her but she's not replying. I stood up and grab my keys. I went to the parking lot to get my car. I start the engine when my phone rang I answer the call.

"Dhaimy!" I said in a worry tone.

("Ahm!! no dude its me Jake") aaahhh shit!! I thought its was Dhaimy.

"Ah sorry dude!! why did you call anyway?" I said.

("about Dhaimy she transfering to a different school") he said.

"WHAT!!" I yelled. I got more worried of what I'm hearing right now.

("Its a long story!! to make it short I follow her to principal office I eardrop so I heard what are they saying!! I heard Dhaimy she said "I'm transfering to a different school. I won't wait for your approval." Then she left") Jake said.

"Dude make sure she still there I'm on my way!!" I said then I hang up. Dhaimy why are you doing this.


Jake POV.

"Its a long story!! to make it short I follow her to the principal office I eardrop so I heard what are they saying!! I heard Dhaimy she said "I'm transfering to a different school. I won't wait for your approval." Then she left") I said.

("Dude make sure she still there I'm on my way!!") Jaxcel said then he hang up.

How on earth I'm going to make Dhaimy stay in the school. This douche bag own me big time. I start walking to the direction of Dhaimy's way but when I turn to the hallway.

O__O -Me.

( ̄ˍ ̄) -Her.

"A-ah-aah Dha-Dhaimy." I was freaking shaking with those looks of her.

"Why are you following me?" she said still with that look in her face. I'm so dead.

"a-ah I wasn't following you!!" I said. then she walk close'er to me. I got even more nervious. I swear I'm going to make sure that Douche bag is going to pay me.

"ohh really??" She said then she lean forward. our face is an inch away. I'm really getting sweaty.

"a-a-ahh its not......"

"DHAIMY!!!!" a voice of a girl scream behind Dhaimy. Dhaimy glance at the girl who is walking ver fast in our she came closer its Nicky when I was about to say Hi to her Dhaimy grab my arm then she start running. so I did the same.

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