Mascaraed Ball: Dance

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As the elevator went down its stop at the 7 floor and the elevator open reveling a gorgeous handsome man wearing a black long sleeves and also a black pants and he is wearing a black with thin gold around the edges of the mask
We were like a couple cause we wear the same "black and gold" i didn't notice that he had already went in and his standing at my side i could smell his perfume ............ wait i know that perfume and the only one that i know wear that perfume is........... 

"Dhaimy lets go." Someone grab my hand and i was back in realty and i look at that person and its was Ged, Jeff's assistant he drag me in the lobby his grip hurt so i snatched my wrists in his grip.

"I can walk myself you dont have to drag me all the way to the lobby." Then i glared at him.

"Dhaimy ........ Wow you look amazing." Jeff said while holding my hand and place it on his arm.

"Thanks." I smiled awkwardly.

"Shall we." He gave me a smile and i return it as well and nodded.

"Lets go." Then we walk towards the front door of the gala and gave our invitation so we could get in.

"Welcome to Ace Knights gala please enjoy your night" then they show us our table and The table has written in Jeff's name.

"What are we doing here anyway??" I ask all of sudden.

"Well were going to met your soon......" i didn't hear his last words because the crowd clap and theres a man look in his 30/40 year old but damn his hot.

"Whos he??" I ask him while checking the man out.

"Well you'll know later but now just clap." He said while he smile at me smuggingly.

"Fine." Then i clap my both hands.

"GoodGirl." I glare at him because of the word came out of his mouth i feel like a pet.

"Shut up" almost shouting with a low voice. How on earth i would do that shouting in a low voice.

"Ahaha Dhaimy's back in the game." Jeff said while smiling at me sheepishly grrh i hate those smile.

After that sexy Man walk in there's another sexy.........  wait that's the guy in the elevator earlier. But his with a girl wearing a red long back gown and with a long "V" in the front and her short hair have that wet look its look so sexy with her nude lipstick and she's wearing a red mask with a white design on it.

"Come with me." Someone whisper on my ear that make me back to realty it was Jeff then he hold my hand and we went outside.

"Why are we living so early??" I ask with a very irritating tone.

"Were not living just yet I just forget something. Come on stop blabbering okay." Then we went to the direction of the elevator.

"Stay in the lobby just wait for me there." Then he went inside the elevator.

"Seriously??" But what can I do he already left. So i sit in the couches of the hotel in the lobby and wait for that stupid guy.

After several minutes jeff return with a smirked in his face.

"Lets go" then he held my hand and went inside the gala.

"What did you do anyway?" Then he just look at me and smile. "I ask him a question and you just smile at me very nice answer  ̄︿ ̄

POV. Jaxcel

When the elevator stop it reveal a beautiful Goddess she's wearing a black long gown that hugs her body perfectly with a little revealing of her cleavage not to much just enough to make you drool just looking at her...  then when the elevator open I didn't expect what Im going to hear.....

"Dhaimy let's go...." then the guy with a gray mask grab her wrist and I didn't respond to What just happen....

"Dhaimy?" Then I run to follow her but she's gone in the crowd there's so many people in the hotel because of the Event.... "Shit were is she!!" I tried looking for her but its no use she's gone.... again

"Hey Jaxcel where have you been I've been waiting for you outside....  whats going on??" Zoe came out in nowhere that shock the fuck out of me...

"Gaddamn!! Zoe don't sneak up on me like that!!" Then I walk towards the gala yes without her....

"What I didn't sneak up on you, you were like out of your sense... " then she put her hands in my arms...

"Whatever...." then aftet my father walk in the red carpet we follow....  the crowd claps as we walk towards our table then..... Dhaimy...... I was about to went where she is but someone whisper in her ears and hold her hands and went outside..... 

"Jaxcel hey are you really okay?" Zoe

"Hmm yeah..." after that she's gone again....

As time pass this party is boring we just greet and talk business then they will say how beautiful couple we are Me and Zoe but I always say shes just a friend that make Zoe smile into frown....

"Shall we dance..  " Zoe ask me and hold my hand...

"Hmm sure why not..." then we dance the music change and the steps are changing partners ahaha poor Zoe...

After changing partners for the third time I was about to leave when.... Dhaimy..

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