Am I Falling for him.

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Jaxcel POV.

I went to my room to take a bath. I was taken by suprise when i saw her went outside my bathroom with only my towel covering Her naked body. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

O///O -Me.

O_O - Her.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" she ask while glaring at me i can't help myself but scan her body. She has a really Great Sexy body to kill for.

"PERVERT!!" she yelled while trying to cover her body with her arms.

"What?!" i asked i bit my lower lips by keeping myself from smiling but i failed.

"PERVERT!! GET OUT!!" she yelled again.

"Dhaimy who on earth tell you that this is your room." she look around then look at me with a poker face.

"this is my room." then i point at the bed and she see a black bed.

O-O "wait ...." i cut her off

"yes your bedshit is white not black in other words you've enter a wrong room." i said it in a sarcastic way.

"how should i know if my bedshit is white!!" then she was about to walk past me when i grab her and hug her.

"will you get off of me." she protest.

"okay!!" then i let her go.

"Hmmp. PERVERT" then she push me out of MY room.

"Hey this is my room" i said.

"i dont care" then she close the door.

"unbelievable !!" then my phone ring.

("hey Dude theres going to be a party at Jiana's place. they say is going to be a BANG.")

"Im not going. Im busy" i said in a my very serious way.

("What?? come on dude!!")

"Just Enjoy yourself." then i hang up.

i dont want to go in any party. i want to be with Dhaimy and enjoy this day with her.

i went to my library and sit on my sofa. huh!!


Dhaimy POV.

as i push Jaxcel out of the room. i look inside of his closet to get something to wear. i grab a black long sleeves.

"this would be fine." then i wear it. then i walk down stair. i heard a music and its in the library. i open the door i see Jaxcel playing the piano.

"Heart.... beat color and promises how to be brave how can i love when im afraid... to fall.... watching you stand..... alone." his voice is so warm very nice to listen.

"all of my doubts sundenly gose away some how .........

one step closer." i didn't even noticed that im singing along.

"i have died every day waiting for you darling dont be afraid i have love you for a thousand years i love thousand more." he throw a glance at me then he smile.

"hey thats mine." he protest.

"and so." i said it in a bitchy tone.

"im going to take it back." then he grab me to the sofa and tickel me.

"aaaaahhhahaha..... stop it..... stop Jaxcel.... ahahahahagaha" i couldn't make him stop.

"ahahahaha your dead." he said then he tickel me some more.

"AHAHAHAHAHA ........ Jaxcel enough plsss ......" then he stop tickling me.

"ahahahaha." then we stare at each other for a moment then i just realized that we are in a very AKWARD position. his on top of me like in sex position.

O///O because of what i think thats make me blush. then Jaxcel is moving closer to me thats make more blush. is he about to kiss ....... so i close my eyes to wait for his lips to touch mine but.........



"why did you close your eyes do you think i was going to kiss you."  then he laugh harder.

"Bogsh" then he fell on the floor. do you ask why?? I PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE.

"awww. why did you punch me" he said while touching his cheek. i feel bad of what i did but its another escape of that humiliation.

"because your an ass." then i walk past him and look around in his library its huge, theres so many books did he already read all of this.

"and i know you like it." (-__-") i just give her a poker face."ahahaha you never faild to amaze me."

"i know cause Im beautiful." then he stare at and ....

"ahahaha well i could be the judge of that " then he move closer to me. as i pull my self away from him he just keep moving and moving closer to me he keep staring at my eyes. Hmm. so i fight back the stare.


Jaxcel POV.

"Where the hell are you getting your courge to look me in the eye while trying to opposed and intimidate me?"

i asked. and put my hand on either side of her and lean. My face to hers were staring at each other then she swallowed hard. I noticed that her face started to reddened I move my face closer to her she just pull back until her body is already lying on my table. I was staring at her intently. she dosen't seem to want to protest and push me away so i move closer to kiss her. she shut her eyes and waited for my lips to land on hers.

i tried to open my mouth and tried to deepen the kiss i deepen more the kiss and slightly bit her lower lip. I started to unbutton my long sleeves she's wearing from the buttom while continuosly kissing her lips down to her jawline to her neck then to her lips again she slightly bit my lower lip thats make me moan.

"you better push me away before you regret it." i said between our kisses. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Shut up!!" she said then she pull me again to kiss her. i just chuckled between our kisses.

"So damn Sexy." i slide my hand to her back and lifted her she wrapped her legs around my waste for support then i turn and sit on the table.

"hmm." i trailed my kisses down her neck and i started caressing her breast over her clothes. she just moan louder. "HMMM" she pulled my head hard holding my hair tight and slaming her lips hard to mine.

then after that. i know you know what happen next......


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