The Past is Visiting Me.

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Jaxcel POV.

"Yes!! I don't have feelings for you!! Jeffrey is way better than you in bed!!" My heart turn into pieces after hearing those words!! I know its not true she's lying ........ but what if it is true?..... no no no no she's lying I know she also have feelings for me!! but what if...... then my head began to hurt so bad that I scream to the pain.

"AAAAAAGGGGGRRRHHHH!!" I held my head my vision became blur I heard some foot step and I heard a very familiar voice.

"Jaxcel!!" I try to clear my sight so I could see who is this person but I collaps.


Zoey POV.

I'm here at the school where Jaxcel is studying!! I'm going to enroll here so we could be closer together. I see Jake running with a girl I didn't see the face of the girl because she's running so past then another girl is running after them. What the hell is going on? I follow them and it lead me to the parkinglot. I hide to the nearest car so I woudn't be caught. The girl is facing Jake so in my derection her behind is facing me. I couldn't hear what are they saying but I froze after the Girl shout at Jake.

"Ah! well I'm not STUPID to not notice all the things he was doing!! I already warn you both I'm watching you!!" then she start walking to a different direction. I think Jake just got dump by that girl!! I was going to tap Jakes shoulder when he shout a name that I don't wanna hear.

"Dhaimy!!" then he turn to my direction when he see me his eyes widen that his eyes almost popped!!

"Who's Dhaimy?" I ask him to be sure that the person he was taking to is a different person they just have a similar name.

"A-aa-aahh Zoe....."  I think I'm missing something.

"Who is that girl you talk to??" I ask him in a serious tone.

"ahm she's Jaxcel ....." he pause then look at me. I got even more woried cause Jaxcel is involve.

"What? tell me Jake?" my voice became high pitch.

"the girl that you saw is Jaxcel GirlFriend!!" then he look away after saying the "GirlFriend" word.


Jaxcel POV.

"aggghh!!" as I open my eyes I see the person who broke me for the very first.

"Jaxcel are you okay?" she ask with a very worried tone.

"What are you doing here?" I said without looking at her.

"Ahm.... I'm back!! aren't you happy?" she was about to hug when I refuse I glance at her and I could see that shes shock of what I react.

"Ahm.... I think your hungry wait I'll cook your favorite." she was about to stand when I stop her.

"You don't have to." I said looking direct onto her eyes.

"a-a-ah but why? I'm still ....." I cut her off because I know what she's going to say.

"I already have a Girlfriend" I see her hand turn into fist.

"You mean that girl who just said that her ex is way better than you in bed!!" she said I didn't look at her.

"Shut up!! you don't know nothing!!" I said then a tear drop onto my cheek.

"Come on Jaxcel wake up..... She's not worth it!! she just a slut a whore and a BITCH!!"

"PAK" I didn't realise that I just slap her because she said badthings about Dhaimy.

"I'm sorry Zoe." thats all I could say.

"You know I was so happy when Dad told me that I'm going to tranfer in your school that we will be together and you will be happy seeing me but I think I was wrong!! so DAMN wrong." she said then I see a tear fell on her cheek then she left.

I didn't stop her. I just stare at her back and watch her leave like Dhaimy did. I guess Karma is finally paying me a visit!! hahahaha .........

being a player is way easyer than being not. I guess back to the ball game.


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