Hate break it to you ASSH*LE!!

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Dhaimy POV.

"Dhaimy!! I miss you !!"

"Ahaha thats cute !!" -__-

"awww your so cute in any angle !!!" pinch in Dhaimy's face

"Hey!!! stop that !!"

"I just miss you so much Dhaimy !!"

"Okay !! Fine I miss you to!!"


"shut up Nicky !!" -__-

"sorry !!" ^__^

because of what she did all the student in the hallway are looking at us !!! like the hell !! what do they care !!

"OMG !!! his here !!" Bitch 1

"okay girls you know what to do!!" Bitch 2

who was here ?? this skinny bitches are so annoying !! ahh so many slot in this school !!

"hey Dhaimy do you hear about the knew tranferee !!"

"do you think I care ?" (-__-)

"yeah I bet he/she's ugly !!"

"wow !! looks are very important to you !!"

then someone answer me in my back !!

"Looks are very important babe !!" then he smirk

"ahm excuse me !! I dont talk to F*cking stranger !!"

"ohh sorry babe !! I'm just being friendly !!" :)

"do you think I care !!"

"wow !! your really something you know that!!"

"well hate to break it to you Assh*le do you think I fucking care to what your saying !! such a waist of time talking to you !!"

then I left him with my middle finger up.|.

"whoooo what an Assh*le !!!"

"I know right !!"

"but F*cking Sexy !! right ??"

"what?? ohh why do I even boder talking to you !!" -__-

"Oh My Gosh !! dont you know whose that guy you just talk to !!"Bitch 1

"do you think I care !!"

"like OMG!!! hes like the most famous and rich Sexy "Jaxcel" Bitch 2

"who ?"

"ahaha your so stupid !! that guy is the son of the owner of this University !!"

"like !! do I care ?? would you Bitches stop waisting my time and get the hell out of my way !!" >_>

"ahh your so weird !! " Bitch 3

"lets just leave girls !!" Bitch 1

"what a banch of Bitches !! right Dhaimy !"

"do you think I care Nicky !! lets just go to class !! I hate being late !!"


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