Knew Friends??

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Jaxcel POV.

When I woke up, I was still sitting on Dhaimy's bed but Im now holding a pillow and not Dhaimy.

"Where did that Girl go?"

When I went outside to the guest room the first thing I heard is Dhaimy's voice singing. I followed the sound of her voice and it brought me to my library. I slowly open the door so she wount notice anyone coming in and I saw Dhaimy playing the piano.

"She's so Beautiful!" i didn't notice that i said it outloud.

so Dhaimy pause and throw a glance at me. I just stare at her and admire her majestic beauty. She Smile at me and pat the other side of her chair "she was like offering me to sit down beside her" so i sit beside her.

"what would you like for me to play??" she ask.

"ahm do you know this." as i play the piano. she just stare in the keybourd. then.......

"take me into your loving arms."


"kiss me under the light of a thousands stars." Me

"place your head on my beating heart." Dhaimy

"thinking outloud. baby we found love right where we are!!" we sing in chorus.

then after finishing that song. i was about to stand and ask her for breakfast but she place her head in my shoulder. so i was suprise of what she did.

"ahm Dhaimy are you okay??"

"yes im fine." then she lift her head then she look at me.

"is theres something in my face??" then she smile and nood.

"i didn't notice you have a gray eyes!!" then she place her head again in my shoulder.

"aahh i know its kinda wierd right" the F. im sweating!!

"no their not wierd." then she lift her head "their beautiful" she said those words looking in my eyes. i could tell she's not lying.

"Thank you. your the first person who appreciate my eyes." then i smile weakly.

"first?" she sound curious.

"ahahaha yeah you heard me right your the first person who appreciate my eyes."

"how about your parents?? dont their appreciate those eyes." she ask weakly.

"ahahaha i don't feel i have one." then a tear escape from my eyes.

"im sorry i shoudn't ask you!!" then she hug me. "someone told me that a medicine for a lonely soul is a warm and loving hug." i smile because of what she said.

"can i have a hug tree times a day??" i said in a sarcastic way.

then she let go of the hug and look at me in a poker face (-__-)

"you can have as much as you want!!" then she Smile ^___^ this is the first time i see her Smile very cheerfully.

"ahahaha promise!!" as i put my pinky finger up.

"i promise!" then we pinky promise.

"grrrhhh" O_O her reaction.

"what was that??" Me

"ahm....hehehe that was me. im kinda hungry!!" (^_^")

"ahahahahaha you never faild to amaze me!!" this girl is unbelievable. ^__^

"hey stop laughing." she pout and about to stand.

"hey stop that" i said in a serios way.

"stop what?"

"stop pouting. i might not control myself by kissing you." then i walk past her.

"huh! don't make me laugh." then she throw a throwpillow at me. then she pout again. God she's so damn cute.

"hey!! do you want to be rape!!" i said in a sarcastic way.

"i know you can't do that!!" then she face me. i stare at her.


"ahahahaha come on lets cook you some breakfast." then i put my arms around her shoulder.

"i want pancake with chocolate syrup." while pouting. i can help it i kiss her then run to the kitchen.

"HEY!! YOU BASTARD!!" then she run after me.


Were here at the kitchen and eating some pancakes that i made. ahahahaha she don't know how to cook.

"Wow this is so good" she said with her mouth full of pancakes in it.

"hey didn't your mother told you not to talk while your mouth is full." i said in a very sarcastic tone.

"well i have no mother thats why no one ever told me that" then she drink the warm milk i make her.

"huh? how about your dad?" curiousity killed the cat.

"i have no dad. i only have a ...."

she pause for a sec.

"you have a?" Me

"a-a Dog!! i only have a dog since i was a child."

"a Dog? your parents is a Dog??" i said it in a sarcastic way.

"ahaha Fuck you" .|.(-_-")

"ahahaha okay later will do it." i said it in a sarcastic way.

"whatever!! im going to take a bath!!" then she stand up and walk past me. she didnt even ask me where is the bathroom.

i text Jake to inform him that Im not going to school today.


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