Getting Ready for the Party !!

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Dhaimy's POV.


"answer call -> click

"hello ?"

(ohh hey Nicky I'm going to have a party I want you and Dhaimy to come !!)

"ohh sure !! will be there !!"

(ohh really thats good see you later !!)

"okay !!"

(thank you !! bye !!)

*end call*

"hey !! who's that ??" Me sitting and eating some potato chips.

"ahh its Jane the class president !!"

"why did she call ?" still eating.

"she's inviting us to go to her party later !!"

"your going ??" still eating.

" WERE going !!"

"ahaha very funny !! no seriosly your going ?" still eating.

"I told you WE are going !!"

"No.No.No.No. I'm not going !!" stop eating.

"and why not ??"

"because I'm not interested !" driking coke diet.

"ohh come on Dhaimy !! plss lets go to the party !! plssss!!" Nicky with her pleading face.

"agh !! Nicky......" me refusing on her pleading face.

"plssssssssssssss " ^3^ she add the puppy eyes.

"agh okay !! if something goes wrong its your fault okay !!" i faild to refuse because of the puppy eyes. poor me T-T

"Yessss !!" ^____^ she hug me like ther is no tomorrow. while kissing me in the cheek.

"okay !! I have nothing to wear " I said after making her stop by kissing me.

"Dont worry Dhaimy !! I have the right dress for you !!" while giving me a very creepy smile.

"okay give me your best shot !!" as I eat another potato chip.

she show me the dress I'm going to wear !! its a Black dress and I'm showing a little clivage its strapless so it is f*cking SEXY and its a little short !! but its okay !! I love it !!

"okay just a little make up and were done !!"

Nicky is wearing a Pink lowback dress its also strapless and she also showing a little clivage so its kind a Sexy to !!

after 15-20 minutes and I'm done !! I look in the mirror and see ......... O_O F*ck !! who is that !!"

"you look beautiful Dhaimy !! Oh My G. we have to take a Pic.!" Nicky while getting her phone.

"ahaha shut up !! lets go its almost 7:30 !!" but we take a selfie. remembrance.

"okay !! Aaahhh I'm so excited !!" Nicky while shaking her butt.


Jaxcel POV.

its almost 7:30 and I'm not yet ready for the Party !! agh I'm just going to see some banch of bitches who is going to Flirt with me !! and I'm not in the mood!!


open message -> click

From: Jane

Hey Jaxcel Dhaimy and Nicky are here !!

O_O whooooo!! I almost forgot that I make Jane invite Dhaimy and Nicky to her party!!!! YESSSS !!! ^___^

My Sweet Revenge !!

*texting Jane*

Hey I'm on my way !!


I take a quick bath and grab a black polo and some jeans in my closet !! then K fix my hair a little and !!!! BOOM perfectly Handsome !!!

"hey Mom !! I'm going out !!"

"ahh okay !! what time your coming home ??"

"dont wait for me ! bye !"

I grab my keys and drive my car to Jane's place !!! ohh I need to call Nicolo and Jake !!

dailing Jake ......


(oh dude whats up ??)

"Jake where are you ??"

(Jane's place !! why ??)

"ah nothing I'm on my way !! try to find Dhaimy !"

(sure dude !!)

*end call*

ohh this night is going to be fun!!


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