The Truth.

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Dhaimy POV.

Im now in the Bloody Club and Im really not in the mood for stupid talk right now.

"Hey. Babe." Jeff was about kiss me when I step back.

"What do you want?" I ask him with a serious look.

"Okay. its about your sister." then he give me a picture of Zoe infront of the airport.

"She's ............" Jeff cut me off.

"Yeah. she's alive and according to Mike she staying at Hotel De'Grande room 408." then he gave me the exact address of the Hotel.

"I ..... i dont know what to do?" I said while staring at the picture.

"Just go to her." then he throw the keys that I immediately catch it.

"Thank you." then I run to his car and went to the Hotel where my sister is.


Zoe POV.

"Dad I want you to find this Dhaimy girl." Im at my father office.

"And why do you want to find your sister?" I glare at him and sit on his desk.

"This Dhaimy girl that I want you to find is not my sister she's Jaxcel girlfriend and I want to know everything about her. no more question." I stood up and left him.

Im not going to stop until I found that Bitch.


Dhaimy POV.

After Jeff told me that my sister is alive I didnt waste time to think that should I go and see her. I just want see her thats all I want.

"Welcome to Hotel De'Grande."  a Blonde girl said after I enter the hotel.

"Ahm excuse me is there name Zoe or Zoey check in here." I ask to the reseptionis.

"ahm one moment plss." then she type the name and "ahm Yes shes in room 408." Then i smiled at her and straight a head to the elevator.

As i reach the 4th floor level i search for the room 403...405....406....407......408, i was about to knocked when the door knob twists and i know that someone going outside i turn quickly and went to the opposite direction, I heard a feminine voice and I think its belong to Zo...... but when i was about turn and look, our eyes lock to each other and i stiffen.... because those eyes..... those beautiful brown honey eyes belongs to my.........


My Mother look at me with shock and disbelief, she was about to open her mouth when the door swang open and Zoe came out of the room.

"Mom lets go dads waiting for us outside.......  Mom??" Then she turn and our eyes met. Her eyes widen "Dhaim....." but i cut her off all i felt right now is anger betrayals and hatred from both of them.

"YOU BOTH WE'RE ALIVE AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOOK FOR ME!!! I ALMOST LOST MY MIND WHEN BOTH OF YOU WERE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!!! I EVEN TRY TO KILL MYSELF BECAUSE THERE'S NO POINT OF LIVING WITH OUT YOU GUYS." I cant stop crying and my hand turn to fist then i smiled bitterly. "I guess your having a life that you dream isnt that wonderful. I hope your happy." Then I walk past them and quickly run to the elevator 'did they even know that im alive or they just didn't look for me' as i thought about that its even harder to breaght and my chest tightened, when the elevator open i bump into something....  no someone, I look at that person and.......  God why are you playing with my life right now.........

"Dhaimy......" his eyes met mine oh how i miss to look at those beautiful grey eyes and i could see that his still hurt and it even hurt me alot more. 

"Jaxcel........." then my heart felt happy to see him but at same time guilt stub me like a knife direct to my heart.


Hey guys long time no update hehehe sorry it tooks so long for me to update.

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