Ahhh That Bitch Hit My Buddy down there !!

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Jaxcel POV.

"Ohh dude !! whats up !!" Nicolo

"shh !! Shut up !!"

"so how was the hero of the

day !!" Jake

"ahaha funny dude !!"

"so are you giving up ??"

"hell no !! I'm just getting started!!"

ohh babe !! your going down !! hmm !! "smirk" I'm going to have a knew condo !! ahahaha ohh I love this game !!

"Heeeeeyyy !! stop there !!"

"what the !! "

"stop I said !!"

"what hell is going on ??" Nicolo

"hey dude its that Dhaimy ??"Jake

"Where ??"

"the one that there chasing !!" Jake

"Huh ??"

"Dude !! you better go after them !! you might get her trust !! if you know what I mean !!"Nicolo

"your right !! well got to go !!"

then I run as fast as I can to follow them !!

they stop at the parking lot !!!

"Ahahaha you think you can run away from us ??"

"ahaha I wasnt planning to run away !! I just want a clear place to so I could kick your ass !!"

"rggghh !!! aaaahh !!!" then he attack Dhaimy !! wait what ??


"PACK" then the guy was on the floor after Dhaimy kick him in the face !!

"what the hell are you doing here ??"

"I follow you I think you might need help !! Dhaimy watch out behind you !!"

"aaaahhh !!" one of the guy !! hes holding a Steel Tube !!

Dhaimy jump before the guy hit him !! then Dhaimy kick the Guy in the .... you know what I mean !!

"BOGSH" then the guy start crowling away from Dhaimy !!

"Now whose Next !!"

"grrrr !! aahh !!" before that guy attack Dhaimy I hit him with the Steel tube behind !!

"TOGS!!" then the guy fell a sleep !! then the other 3 guys run and leave !!!

"Hey !! you okay ??"

"I dont need any help specialy from you !!" then she grab her stuff and start walking.

"what I just help you so you wount get hurt !!"

"I see !! so whats the catch ??"

"what ?? what do you mean ?"

"ohh come on !! your not going to help me if you dont want something !! so what do you want !!" -__-

"I dont want anything !!"

"okay !! so leave me alone !!"

then she turn here back and start walking again !!

"I would like to take you on a date !!" she stop walking then she face me !! she start walking back to me.

"^__^ you know what ...." she wrap  her arms on my neck !! whooo she's so damn SEXY the way she look into my eyes !! she's making my Buddy down there excited !! down boy !!

"What ??" lip bite !! whoooo its get hot in here !! I'm felling her breast and I know their big !! then she came closer to my ears to whisper something ....







then she turn her back and leave !! without saying sorry of what she did !! AAAAAHHH IT HURT !! IT F*CKING HURT !!!

Ms.Dhaimy Harris your going to pay for this !!! I'm going to break your heart !!!!


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