Im Ignoring You !!!

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Dhaimy's POV.

"Hey !! Nicky get up were going to be late !!" Me while shaking Nicky's arms.

"I dont want to go to school today !!" Nicky just ignor me.

"what ?? why ??" Me while sitting at the other side of the bed.

"I just dont want to !!" then she turn her back at me.

"Nicky ....." Me while slowly patting her back.

"I think I'm going to be sick if I go to school today !!!" Nicky said still not facing me.

"hmm okay !! if your hungry I coock some lasagna its in the fridge !!" Me stood up and about to leave Nicky when...

"okay thanks !!" Nicky is now facing me i just give her a slight smile.


hmmmmmmmm !! I have no one to talk to !!! ahhhh Damn this day !!!

"ohh look Girls !! Dhaimy's all alone !! " Bitch 1

"ahaha were is your friend Nicky !!" Bitch 2

"get out of my way STUPID BITCHES!!" then i walk past to those Bitches.

"Hah !! the nerves !! do you think your just going to walk away from us huh !! " Dona the queen of Bitches

she's about to grab my hair when someone stop her !!

"dont you dare touch her !!" him while holding Dona's arms.

0_0 what F !! what the hell is he doing !!

"ahh Jaxcel I-I'm just ..... " the Bitch look at Jaxcel. she was about to explane when Jaxcel cut her off.

"dont talk will you !! all you ever said is a lie !!" Jaxcel let go of Donas arms like she's a germs or a virus.

"ah Jaxcel why are you defending her anyway !!" Bitch 2

"why do you care ??" he said without giving that Bitch a glance.

what the F*ck !! why I'm not moving !! I'm like an idiot standing behind him !!

"Jaxcel she's not one of us !! she just a loser like the others " Dona was about to hold Jaxcel hand but Jaxcel just push Donas hand.

"ahahahaha your calling your self a popular student !! well I think your wrong !!! your a wanna be Popular !!" then Jaxcel give them a death glare.

then he look at me !! 0_0 this is f*cking wrong !! I dont need anyone to help me !! I can take those skinny Bitches by my self !!

"lets go !!" then he grab my hand and start walking !!!


we stop at the parking lot of the school !!! we stand there for a while !! then he finaly speak.

"so is there any thing you want to say !!" him while crossing his arms.

"like what ??ahhh yes there is!!! " then i gave him a slight smile.

"and that is !!! ^__^" him waiting for me to say the majic words.

"let go of my hand !!" I yelled at him.

"ahh sorry !! is there anything else ??" Him while looking into my eyes.

"what do you want me to say !! Thank you for helping me with those skinny Bitches !! is that right ??" Me showing him my Bitchy attitude.

"Yes!!" ^__^ him liking my Bitchy attitude.

"well theres one thing I would like to say to you and listen very carefully !!!" i said in a husky voice.

"what is it ??" him liking it again.

"I DONT NEED YOUR F*CKING HELP !!" I yelled at him. then I left him !!

"aaahh why do you have to shout!!" him covering his ears.

"Shut Up !!" Me giving him a death glare. then i left him.

I went back to school and go to my class !! whooo good thing I'm not late !!

"hey !! why did you leave me in the parking lot ??" him while giving me a death glare.

".........." no comment! I just return the death glare.

"hey why are you not answering me ??" him poke me in the arms.

".........." no comment again. i pinch his hand to remove it in my arms.

"aawww!! why are you ignoring me ??" him looking at his injured hand.

"wow !! let me remind you were not close !!" pocker face -__-

"what I just save you from those Bitches !!" him giving me a death glare again.

"let me remind you again !! I didn't ask for your HELP !!" then I turn my attention on the white board.

"wow you angrateful Girl !!" him then he turn his back at me.

"I'm ignoring you !!! " Me while saying it in a Bitchy way.

"you know !! fine !! whatever !! this is Bullshit !!" then he left me.

"ignoring!!" Me without giving him a glance.

"hmm !! " then he really left me !!

Hmm !! thank you for leaving me alone !! ah peace at last !!

ohh I better call Nicky !!


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