We are Not Close!!

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Dhaimy's POV

"Good Morning Dhaimy!!"^__^ Nicky

"Good Morning!! did you sleep well? " Me

"Yes!! very well!! I dream about Jake!! hehehe!!" (^_^)v

"O_O !! okay my Morning is a disaster!! what the F!! are you saying Nicky!!"

"what? Jake is cute and nice!!"

"and ?"

"Cute ^__^" Nicky while giggling

"Oh My God !! Nicky !! those douche bag wount do anything good!! specially those two!!"

"hey dont judge the book by its cover!! dont judge those two easily by the looks or what they do!!" Nicky while crossing her arms >3>

"huh!! what the F!! Nicky I'm already warning you dont you fall for that douche bag!! okay!!"

"hmm why dont you give them a chance!!"

"HUH!! I'm not insane to do that!!"

"hay !! just think about it okay!! I'm going down stair to cook our breakfast!!" then she turn her back at me and close the door of my room!!

"hmm!! Im going to take a shower!!" I stood up and went to the bathroom!!

When I'm about to put some shampoo on my hair,when someone knock at the door.


"who's there ??" Me

"the breakfast is ready!!"Jaxcel

"okay!!" then no reply!! I think his gone!!

after several minutes.

whooo Fresh from the bath!!

as i open the door of my bathroom ........

O_O -Me

O//O -Him


"A-A-AH-AHH!! the door was open so I ........"

"BOGSH" I throw a pillow at his face!! boom head shot!!

"GET OUT!!"Me holding another pillow to throw at him!!

"ahhhhhhh!!! Sorry!!" he rush down stairs!!

I lock my door so that no one will enter!! good thing I didn't take off my towel!! that bastard!!

I open my closet and grab a jeans and a black v-neck. After I finish dressing up. I went down stairs and straight to the living room and grab my car keys!!

"oh hey Dhaimy!! where are you going??" Nicky

"out" Me

"oh !! wait Jaxcel and Jake need a ride!!"

"what ? they have a car!! the one that we rode last night!!"

"that's our car Dhaimy!! there car is still at Jane's place!!"

"what? you have got to be kidding me right!!"

" No!! come on Dhaimy Plsssss!!"

"agrrh !! fine!! but both of you are sitting at the back!!"

"Yes!!" with matching salute


As I start the engine both the idiots behind me were smiling like a dog!! specialy Jaxcel!!

"hey Nicky!!" Jake

"yes!!" Nicky

"bye see you tomorrow!!" :* with matching flying kiss!!

Nicky was about to do the same !! this is so not gonna happen!!

"NICKY !! inside now!!" I give her a death glare! then Nicky just smile and wave at me!! I look back to see those idiots and give them a death glare!! specially Jake


"so Dhaimy where are your parents?" Jake said

I quickly step on the break that's why they almost fly in the  front sit!! this bastard !! I glare at Jake!!

"ahm Nicky mention that your...!!" Jaxcel cover Jake's mouth for stoping him to talk.

"I give you a ride because Nicky wants to !!! do you understand!! were not friends so you dont have to know me !! got that?" Me !!

Nicky said that I need to be nice!! Agrrh!!

both of them just nod after what I said!!


after a while Jaxcel and Jake speak!! Yes!! they been silent along the way!!

"ahm Dhaimy this our stop!!" Jaxcel


I stop the car infront of a ... like a condo building!! I guess this is there place!!

"ahm!! Dhaimy thank you for the ride!!"Jaxcel

"dont thank me!! I did this for Nicky!!" then I start the engine and left them.


"Hey guys hope you like the rest of the chapters!!

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