Very Dangerous Man!!

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Dhaimy's POV


answer call -> click

"Hello Dhaimy!!"

"WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT?" Dhaimy clench the steering wheel because of her anger.

"whooo!! is that how you say "Hello" to an old Friend!!"

"I don't have time to play with you!! YOU DOUCHE BAG!!"

"ahahaha you've change so much!!! what happen to that sweet and innocent Dhaimy!!"


"AHAHAHAHA dont blame me because of what happen to your sweet Sister Zo......"


"Ohh Dhaimy!! well lets just meet at the Bloody Club at 8:00!! dont be late!!" then he hang up


Dhaimy shout with her anger because the memory that she want to forget is all coming back because of the guy who just call her!!

"FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU DAIMON!!!" she drivin to the place where they going to meet!!


Jaxcel's POV

I'm in my house and lying in my bed while Jake is playing video games!!

"sign" why am I feeling so...agrh

"Hey dude whats wrong?" Jake

"nothing!" (-__-")

"oh well I think your not really in the mood!!!"


"oh... hey... by the way!! Nicky gave Dhaimy's no.!! I guest your not in the mood!! maybe I'll give it to you some other time!!"

O_O Jake was about to leave while saying those words!!

"Fuck you!! give me her no.!"

"ahahahaha I allready save it in your contact!!" then Jake throw me my Phone direct to me that I almost didn't catch it!!


"Enjoy lover boy!!"

"Shut up!!" then Jake left my room.

I search Dhaimy's name on my contact and I dail it!!

"toot.toot.toot" after tree rings she finally answer!!

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" O__O how does she know its me?

"ahm!! Dhaimy its me Jaxcel!"


"ahm!! yeah"

"sorry I need to go!! call later!!"

"ahh Wait......" she hang up

this girl dont know the meaning of respect!! tsk!! wait she said "call later" ........ I'm getting a progress here!! :)


Dhaimy's POV

I'm here at the Bloody Club!! and the place that I dont want to be!! theres three men approach me.

"come with us!!" then the other two grab my arms and drag me to the VIP Room!! the VIP is a glass room so you could really see it through.

the guy that talk a little while ago!! open the door.

"sir she here!!"

"let her in!!" as i heard his voice my body shake because of fear, anger and specialy hatred!!

as i enter the room i storm toward him and punch him direct in the face!! he fell on the floor and the tree guys hold me and drag me away from him!!

"i've always wanted to do that but its not enough!! GET OFF OF ME!!" as i protest to the three guys that are holding me.

"caugh" Wow i never under estimated you!! you punch good!!"

"BOGSH" he punch me in the face. FUCK THIS GUY!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!

"But not good enough!!"

"hmm!! is that your best shot!!" smirk

"agrh!!" he was about to punch me again when......

"thats enough Daimon!!"

my heart beat faster as i've heard a very familiar voice as he enter the room!! my whole body froz because of the .

"but im just getting started!!"

"i said enough!! that's not how to treat a lady!! am i right Ms.Harris?"


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