Wrong timing!!

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Dhaimy POV.

When I woke up. I feel pain all over my body specialy the lower part. I look at the other side of my bed and see Jaxcel sleeping "he looks so peaceful" then i slowly put my pointing finger gently into his nose trailing down to his cheeks up to his eyelashes. I pause for a moment then stare at his eyelashes. They were long unlike mine. "hmmm I'm so jealous" I whisper. Then Jaxcel arm lift and grab me and pull me closer. I froze for a moment then respond of what he did. I try to push him away but he hug me even more.

"Do you know its not polite to disturb someone slumber." he said while his eyes are still shut.

"I'm sorry I didn't meent to wake you up" I said in a low voice."WILL YOU GET OFF OF ME" I scream in his ears that make him jump off the bed.

"Jesus you don't have to shout." he said while sitting on the floor. My eyes widen when i realize that his not wearing anything.

"AAAAHHHHH!! put some clothes on" I cover my eyes with my hand.

"Okay!" he reply"You should wear something to." he said I open my eyes and look at myself and ..... WHAAAAA... one of my Breast was showing I look at Jaxcel that is staring at my breast also.

"PERVERT!! STOP LOOKING AT MY BREAST!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I grab a pillow and throw at him. I grab the bedshit and cover to my body. I glare at Jaxcel who's smiling sheepishly right know.

"I should cook you something to eat." then he stood up and went to the door.

"AAAAHHHH!! I said wear some clothes on." Then I grab the bedshit and cover my face.

"hmm" I feel his arms wrap around me. then a moment of silence. then finally he speake.

"Are you mad at me?" he ask. his voice sound soft and sad.

I uncover my head to look at him. I see his eyes. "Those beautiful eyes" hey!! wake up Dhaimy!! your mad at him remember. I glare at him then I finally speake.

"Yes!!" I answer direct into his face.

"Why? I was just teasing you!!" He reply then buried his face in my shoulder.

I was about to talk when .....

"Grrrhhh" my stomach protest. ahahaha I was really hungry. Then he burst in to laughter.

"WHAT SO FUNNY!! I'M SO DAMN HUNGRY!!" then I pout my eyes widen when Jaxcel pull me closer to him then kiss me. I was about to push him away but he press me tighter in the bed and kisses me harder. I moan because of what he did then I grab his neck and press him to me. His tounge and my tounge were like moving with the rythim I heard him moan I press him harder to me we were kissing like there is no tomorrow. He first let go of the kiss. After that kiss we were catching our breath.

"WOW!!" he blurt out while breathing heavily. I glance at him and give him a smirk. He smiled back then lean forward and press his forehead to mine gently.

"I'm so loving this day" he said while his eyes shut and a smile on his lips that also make me smile.

"I guest this is not so bad." I said then I also shut my eyes. we were like that for moment. but some noise break the moment.

"JAXCEL!!" a woman came in and froze when she realize that were both...... You know that were both in the same bed naked and you know what happend.

"Mom!!" Jaxcel blurted out..... wait!! What did he call this woman? I stare at Jaxcel and look at the lady infront of us.

"Jaxcel what is the meaning of this?" the woman point at Jaxcel and grab her chest then she's breathing heavily. Jaxcel jump off the bed and run to the woman infront of us. My head is not functioning that well. I heard Jaxcel shout and that makes me awaken in my thoughts.

"MOM!! are you okay!!" Jaxcel said in a worried tone. Wait Mom? did he just caller her Mom? then I heard Jaxcel scream again.

"DHAIMY call an ambulance." then he throw his phone at me. I catch it with both hand then i dail the no. of the ambulance.

"Hello we need an ambulance right away!! plss hurry!!" then after that Jaxcel carry his Mom downstairs. Me I put my clothes on and went down and follow Jaxcel outside theres an ambulance infront of the house then the ambulance people help Jaxcel and put his Mom in.... what do you called that bed from the Hospital?? ah never mind. Me and Jaxcel ride his car to the Hospital we are following the ambulance.

"This my fault!!" he blurted out. then he hit the steering wheel. I held his hand he glance at me then back to the road.

"Its okay. Everything is going to be okay." then I give him a slight smile but I know that this all my fault if I didn't let my guard down this won't happen his Mom won't see us both naked in the same bed and I wouldn't know my true fellings for him. I look at him and memorizing ever inch of his face. I'm going to miss those smile that he always giving me her sarcasm and specially those beautiful Gray eyes. I stared at his eyes like there is no tomorrow because this would be the last that I'm going to look at those eyes. I'm really going to miss him.


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