It's Time

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POV. Dhaimy

I open my eyes and saw a bright light in front of me I thought I was in heaven but I saw someone laying beside me and its...


"Awww my ears hurt! why the hell are you shouting!!" Then he stood up and then WTF!! his just wearing his boxers

"PERVERT!!! What did you do to me??" I cover myself with the blanket

"I didn't do anything we were both drunk last night." then he went to the bathroom

"So nothing happened??" me while checking myself

"Nothing happen. Unless you want something to happen?" then he start crawling in the bed towards me

"Back off D*ck face." i said with a very dangerous look

"HAHAAHAH just kidding. So serious always" then he lay back to the bed then look at me " So whats your plan?" he ask me

"I don't now yet, but Im going to start with my little sister."

"hmm sound interesting, may I tagged along? please" him acting cute

"What the hell are you doing is fucking disgusting" then i stood up and went to the bathroom

"What to much for you to handle??" giving me smirk

"In your dreams dude." then I lock the bathroom door and take a warm bath to make the hangover go away

**************POV. Jaxcel**************

As I wake up I saw my mom sleeping in my arms.

"Hmm mom.. hey wake up" I shake her shoulder gently to wake her up

"Hmm hey Jaxcel Good morning" then she flash her beautiful smile

"Good morning mom." i smile at her

"are you hungry?" while sitting up straight

"A little.." then i smile

"hmm a little huh?" giving me a playful smile

"okay.. A lot, Im starving" while holding my belly then my mom laugh at me

"Ahahaha okay I'll prefer some pancakes for you." then she kisses my forehead and left my room

then my phone ring and its Zoe

"Hello?" me

"Jaxcel.. hey are you okay I been calling you a hundred times..." her being O.A

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"Are you sure? you want me to come over?"

"No Zoe you don't have to come here, like i told you before you don't have to worry about me because your not my girlfriend and stop acting like one" then I hang up on her

Yeah I'm a jerk!! for saying those words to her but she need to wake up on her delusional dreams cause where never getting back together no matter what she said or do.

****************POV. Zoe*************

"No Zoe you don't have to come here, like i told you before you don't have to worry about me because your not my girlfriend and stop acting like one" then he hang up on me

Oh really Jaxcel .. you spoke to soon...

"KNOCK KNOCK" then the door open

"Zoe What do you like for breakfast??" my mom

"Hmm I'm not really hungry." then i show her my most saddest face.

"Darling what's wrong?" then she sit beside me and wrapped her arms around me

"It's just.. when will you ask Jaxcel to marry me?" then a tear fell down to my cheek

"Hmm don't worry I'm already talking to his father about that.. just a little patient my child." then she kiss me on my forehead

"thank you mom" then I hug her

"Hmm by the way did you see again your sister?"


Why bother finding her I bet she didn't even look for us when where gone.

"I hope the investigator find her."then my mom smile at me

"Yeah hope so to." or not...

**************POV. Dhaimy**************

"Dhaimy I just got a message from my friend his an investigator." Jeff while waving his phone


"He said someone is looking for you.." then he look at me and smirk

"Me??Who?" I came closer to him and then he give his phone to see all the information that his friend send him

"Zoey..." the name that first caught my eyes

"So now what's your plan?" I just look at him

"I'm kinda confused." A part of me want to believe that she's really looking for me but the other half doesn't agree.

"Think it through Dhaimy so you won't regret it in the end." then he pat my shoulder and left me

What do I do?


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