Mascaraed Ball: Dance 2

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POV. Jaxcel

After changing partners for the third time I was about to leave when....


As the music start again we bow and then...... Everything went slowmo....


Thug... thug...

Thug.... thug....

My heart beat went crazy as I touch her hand... then she came closer so our face is an inch apart I can't help myself stare at her beautiful eyes... Then my eyes went down to her lips her soft gentle lips..... ohh how I miss to kiss those lips.... then I didn't notice that she's also staring at Me...

"Ahm.... is there something in my face bro??" She said and I know that tone of her voice it means "quite staring at me dude" kinda voice.... oohhh how I miss hearing her voice.... I close my eyes and put my forehead against her forehead.... I feel she gasp because of my action... she was about to move but I held her even closer....

"Hey what are you doing.... " I know she's really pissed off... but I don't want her to leave....

"Plss don't move.... let's just stay like this plsssss...." then I open my eyes and I see her reaction she is so shocked.... then her eyes became teary eye.... then I closed my eyes again... and I hear her sob...

"Jaxcel... Im.." I put my finger on her lips to make her stop talking....

"Ssshhh.... no talking.... I miss you so much..." then I feel her lips kisses my finger then I open my eyes...

"I'm sorry.... I miss you so much.." then she kiss me that I kiss her back but its was to fast then..... "I have to go..." she left...

"Wait Dhaimy No plssss dont leave me... plssss Im begging you..." I hug her behind and I know that we are going to make a scene any moment....

"Jaxcel... I'm really sorry..." Then he take my hands off her waist and left... I try to look for her but shes lost in the crowd....

"DHAIMY!!" when I final got out in the crowd I finally saw her in the front door with a man she look at me then the guy hold her in her waist.... I run to get her but my father security stop me.....

"LET GO OF ME!!!! FUCK LET GO OF ME SHE'S GOING AWAY I NEED TO GO TO HER... LET GO OFF ME!!!" then I see her take off her mask and look at Me I could see a tear run down to her rosey cheeks then the guy kiss her....

"NOOOOOOOOOO DHAIMY.... DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER..... DHAIMY!!" then she went inside the car and finally left....

"Dhaimy no... don't leave me plsss Im begging you... Dhaimy.." then a guy punch me in the face and I know it's my father fist...

"You are a disgrace to this family.... You should have not come if your going to do this... I should have not invited you in the first place... Your not my son..." then he left...

"Jaxcel my baby... let's get you clean up okay..." my Mom hold my hand but my father grab her...

"He's not our son anymore.... lets go... " then I saw my Mom crying and want to get me but my father is to strong for her...

"Plss I need to help him.. Im a mother plssss I need to help my son..." then my father stop and let go of my Mom...

"Make sure your home at exact 11 or he'll get what he deserve.... " then my Mom smile and hug him...

"Thank you.... thank you so much I promise I will I will..." then my Mom run towards me and kneel down so she's on my level.... "lets get you home okay.... " then my mom kiss my forehead and I see tears keep flowing down her cheek's...

"I'm sorry Mom... Im really sor...." my Mom put her finger against my lips gently....

"Sshhh it's okay.... Your going to be okay...." then she hug me tight....

Im really sorry Mom....


POV. Dhaimy

"Hey lets dance..." Jeff ask me... then we went to the dance floor but I didn't know that this dance is a changing partner routine.... after the second change of the partners I was going to leave.... but as I turn around to face who's the third one.... it's the guy in the elevator.... we look at each other eye to eye.... his eyes are gray... then Jaxcel face appear in my thoughts... Sh*t!! Move on already.... I bet his already move on... I look at my partner and.... it's kinda creepy.... his looking at me... like I'm an artifacts that came to life...

"Ahm.... is there something in my face bro??" I said and THIS tone of MY Voice it means "quite staring at me dude" kinda voice...... then this guy close his eyes and put his forehead against mine..... I was shocked because of what he did..... I was about to move but he held me even closer....

"Hey what are you doing.... " and I'm really pissed off...

"Plss don't move.... let's just stay like this plsssss...." then he open his eyes and I was so damn shocked.... then my eyes became teary eye.... then he closed his eyes again... and I couldn't help not to sob...

"Jaxcel... Im.." he put his finger on my lips to make me stop talking....

"Ssshhh.... no talking.... I miss you so much..." then I kisses his finger then he open his eyes...

"I'm sorry.... I miss you so much.." then I kiss him that he kiss me back but I stop .... "I have to go..." then I left...

"Wait Dhaimy No plssss dont leave me... plssss Im begging you..."he hug me behind and I know that we are going to make a scene any moment....

"Jaxcel... I'm really sorry..." Then I take his hands off of my waist and left...

"DHAIMY!!"then I saw him got out in the crowd and saw me in the front door with Jeff... I look at him then Jeff hold my waist.... he run to get me but the security stop him....

"Jaxcel... " I was about to go to him but Jeff hold me.... I look at him then...

"We need to go I promise this won't be the last your going to see him.... but for now we need to go..." then we start walking.... I look at him for the last time then I look at Jeff and I ask him the most stupid thing in the world..

"Jeff kiss me...." then Jeff look surprising but he just did it.... then I heard Jaxcel yell...

"LET GO OF ME!!!! FUCK LET GO OF ME SHE'S GOING AWAY I NEED TO GO TO HER... LET GO OFF ME!!!" then I take off my mask and look at him then a tear flow down to my cheeks then Jeff kiss me ...

"NOOOOOOOOOO DHAIMY.... DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER..... DHAIMY!!" then I went inside the car and finally left....

"Dhaimy no... don't leave me plsss Im begging you... Dhaimy.." then a guy punch him in the face and I know it's his father fist...

"Jaxcel No.... don't hurt him.." I was about to go out the car but Jeff order the driver drive so I couldn't get out...
"Stop the car right now..." but he didn't stop...

"Dhaimy I'm sorry but not today... let's just go home... " I want to punch myself for asking Jeff to kiss me.... what was i thinking...

"I want to know if his okay... "then Jeff sign and dial someone.... then after few minutes.. "what he said?? "

"His fine his with his mother... he just got bruised on his left side of his lips nothing more.... happy?? " then I put my head against his shoulder and tears start pouring down....

"Thank you.... this is all my fault... " then Jeff didn't say a word he just hug me and path my back.....

We we're like that for the whole ride...


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