F*ck hes my Classmate !!!

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Dhaimy POV.

"Dhaimy lets go to the Mall after Class !!"

"why ??"

"I want buy the cute teddy bear for my baby !!"

"why wount you buy it by your self !!"

"hmmp !! pleassssssssss Dhaimy !!" (0^0)

"fine !!"


"shut up Nicky !!"

"hehe sorry !!" (^_^)v

"okay class we have a knew tranfery student !!!"Teacher

"Whooooooo!!! " students

"okay class be nice !! you can come in Mr.Handson !!!"

O_O What the Heck !!! you have to be f*cking kidding me !!!

"hey !! Dhaimy hes going to be are classmate in this subject !!"

"I can see that Nicky !! I'm not blind !!"

"okay Mr.Handson introduce your self !!!"

"thank you !! I'm Jaxcel Handson some of you know me some of you dont !!! " after he say those words he keep staring at me !!! ahhh such an Assh*le !!!

"so do you have any question ??"

then he look into my eyes !! -__- I just give him a Poker Face !! I rase my hand !!

"ohh yes babe !!"

"why you have to be a F*cking Assh*le !!!"

"ohh thats a very good question !!! ahm I think you like me !!"

"tsk !! oh you think so huh ??"

"yeah !!!" the he smirk

"ahaha wow !! well I think I already have my answer !!! you are really a F*cking Assh*le !!!"

"Ms.Harris !!! detention room after class !!! sit down !!"

"whatever !!" then that F*cking Guy smile at me widely ^____^

"very nice to meet you Ms.Harris !! "

"go to hell !!"then I put my middle finger in his face !!

"F*ck You !!"

"ohh I would love that !!"

"ahh shut up !!"



"okay class see you tomorrow !!"

"Dhaimy I'm going to the cafeteria I want to buy a deit coke !! "

"okay I'll wait you in the bench over there !! "

"okay ^____^"

then she run to the cafeteria !!! I think your mad at me because I'm being a Bitch infront of Nicky !! well I'm just being strate forward !!! Nicky understand it !! and I never call her a Bitch !! I swear !! she the most sweetes person I know !! and I'm the opposite of her !! I think your think that how are we getting along with each other !! well we never fight so I think were getting along just fine !!!

"hey !! Dhaimy !! Nicky I getting humilliate by Dona and her friends !! " some student in this school !! what just he said ??

"WHAT !! where is she ??"


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