Mascaraed Ball

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Dhaimy POV.

After that incident in the elevator with Jaxcel i never came back to that Hotel because Jeff said that Jaxcel and Zoe we're check in, in that Hotel.

Now im at his club because he want to ask me something but i was wrong coming here.

"Your being a brat again Dhaimy" Jeff said while drinking his vodka.

"AM NOT!!" I shouted at him. Its because his asking me to be his 'Date' in a mascaraed ball. I hate wearing dress, gown it feels like im so feminine.

"Come on it will be fun." He said while holding the invitation out.

"No." I cross my arms and look at him with a poker face.

"Okay. Lets just make a deal. If you accept to be my 'Date' tonight at the mascaraed ball, i will grant you anything you want." I look at him and it got my interest 'hmm'

"Anything??? " I repeat his last words. And smile at him mischievously.

"Yes" he said directly and seriously.

"Okay. I agree to it. You seems serious and truthful about your words." Then he smile and nod.

"Great. This would be your hotel room and you will also see the dress your going to wear tonight." Then i grab the keys and note it written the address of the hotel and room "Ace Knights Hotel" sound fancy room 1001.

As i got to the hotel and went to my room..... wait this is the Sweet room as I enter the room
"Wow. This so beautiful" the theme of the room is Gold and Black and its elegant in every corner of the room. The bed was huge and i saw a box and it has a note on it, it said "Wear this with that beautiful necklace in the closet hope you like it. Love-Jeff" as i open the box i was mesmerized by the beauty of the dress its a long dress and.........  0_0 its has a long slit and god was i shock and the part were my breast is has perfect cut that my breast is not that expose just enough to see some good side of my breast hmm this look perfect.

I look at the time and its said 6:45 "sh*t" i run to the bathroom and quickly take a shower.


Jaxcel POV.

"Dude there's going to be a ball at your dad's Hotel. Are we invited??" Jake while looking at me with a wide grin.

"Hmm yeah my Dad wants me to be there." I said while putting my headset on.

"Hey come on Dude you need to get ready it almost 6:45 the ball starts at 8 right??" Then he left my room. Actually we're already at my dads hotel.

"Hmm i better get ready so dad wont be mad at me." I walk in, in my walk in closet and find a black polo and pants with black leather shoes. I need to take a shower. I was about to enter the bathroom when my phone vibrate. I read the message its from Zoe.

"Im on my way to your dads Hotel see you there. :*" I text her back.

"Okay take care." Then i enter the bathroom and take a quick bath.


Dhaimy POV.

After taking a bath i quickly dried my hair but i heard a knocked so i open the door and look at the two women wearing a black dress above the knee and also they both have a make up bag holding.

"May I help you??" I said to both of them.

"Were here to make you beautiful at the mascaraed ball. Jeff hired us." Then they both went inside without my permission hmm.

"Okay come in both of you." I said sarcasticly as they walk past me.

"Come there is no time. Here get dress." She gave me the black dress and push me inside the bathroom. So i put it on and look at my self "Shocks my breast is so expose" i grab my robe and cover myself then i went outside.

"Plss sit over here." Then i sit and they turn me to look at bed not to the mirror  like its need to be finish before i open my eyes.

"Plss close your eyes." As she said i close my eyes then just relax i felt something when through my hair and i think its a hair brush. And then twist and turn up and down brush left and right after they murdered my hair i felt something brush in my face and i know their about to make up me.

"Done." As the lady twist my chair i know that they position me in front of the mirror.

"Can i open my eyes??" I ask nervously.

"Yes. You can." Then i slowly open my eyes and i was shocked and disbelief that the girl in that replication is me.

"A--ahm..... I dont..... is that... me??" I ask like a ten year old girl that see a real live doll.

"Yes. You are very beautiful Ms.Dhaimy all natural that make up we put on to you is very very light." She said with a smile.

"Wow!" Thats all i could say. My hair is in a like messy but elegant way it has a diamond little leaves and in the middle a very beautiful rose with black diamonds on it. Its a little small so its perfect and my make up is very simple but the red lips emphasize my bitchy attitude i like it all off it.

"Thank you very much." I said to both of them then i hug them both and then they left. I almost forgot the necklace he said in the note so i open the cabinet and "GOD!!" Its was so beautiful it has an angel pendant and allover the necklace are all diamonds. "How did he afford all of this??" Then i went to the mirror and wear it and it is beautiful its perfect and matches my dress and make up.

Then my phone vibrates then i open my phone and read the message its from Jeff.

"Dhaimy im in the lobby of the Hotel. We are going to be late." I look at the clock and its said 8:10 "sh*t" i grab my purce and wear my heels. My heels is Black with a golden heel and i also wear my black mask with a gold design. I went to the elevator and texted him.

"Jeff im on my way down."


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