This is a Nightmare !!

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Jaxcel POV.

"ahm, are you gentlemen hungry ??"Nicky said

"no I'm good !!" Jake

"can I have a ice pack !!" Jaxcel

"oww sure just a moment !!"

"thank you !!"

then Dhaimy's friend left us in the living room !!

"hey dude how was your Buddy over there !!!" Jake

"Shut up Jake !!"

"ahahaha your in her wrong foot now !!!"

"I dont fucking care !! all I know is my Buddy is crashed by her !!" (T-T)

"ahahaha !! I'm loving this bet !!"

"what bet ??"

O_O me and Jake's reaction !!! the F!!

"ahhh-ahm a !!" Me >_<

"ahm, its my friend were talking about is a veterinarian !! right Jaxcel ??"

"a-ah yes his right !!! you must have missheard us!!"

>_< oh god

"oh okay !! here you go a pack of ice!!" ^___^

"a-ah thanks !!" ^__^

woooohhh that was a close one !!! (°__° )

"okay I'm going to clean the room so you could rest !!"

"Thank you !!" ^____^ Me & Jake

then she left us to clean the guest room where we are going to sleep !!

"hey douche bag !! you idiot she almost....."

"Sorry I didn't know she was already there !!!"

"you keep your mouth shut !!"

"okay !!"

"What are you talking about!! Both of you !!" Dhaimy

"sh*t O-O " Me & Jake

"what ever are you planning !! I dont give a F*ck!! but dont you dare play with Nicky !! do you Both understand !!" Dhaimy


"Good !!" then she went to the kitchen !!

"I think we should go to sleep!!"Jake

"I think thats a good idea!!"

were about to stand up when ...

"where do you think your going??" Dhaimy (-_-)

"ahm, in the guest room to sleep!!" Me

"Nicky is still there !!!" Dhaimy

"so ??" Jake

"I dont trust you both !!" Dhaimy

"what ?? were not going to ...."

"hey guys !! the guest room is clean and tidy !!" Nicky said

"ah good !! you both go straight to bed !! Nicky go upstair now !!" Dhaimy †_† giving us a death glare.

"Yes Mom !!" Me, Jake & Nicky

"Whatever !!" then she start walking !!

"Good Night Dhaimy !!" Me ^__^

"okay !! whatever !!" Dhaimy

"Dhaimy !!" >3> Nicky

"what ??"

"be nice !!there are guest!!" Nicky

"Fine !! Good Night !!" -__-

"Sweet dreams !!" ^3^ Me.

she just ignore me !!

"Good Night Nicky !! Sweet dreams!!" Jake

"Good Night Jake !! and Sweet dreams!!" Nicky

"Nicky !! bed know !!" Dhaimy

"coming !! Sweet dreams both of you !!" Nicky

then Dhaimy grab Nicky's hand and drag her upstair!! this girl is so agressive !! I wounder if she's agressive also in bed!!

"wooohh !! what with that smile in your face !!" Jake

"ahahaha I'm just .... a never mind!!"

"ahaha are you falling for her already !!"

"what the !! are you in drugs dude!! falling in love is not in our vocabulary!!"

were here in the guest room !! im in the bottom and Jakes is on top of the double deck!!

"ahahaha I'm just saying that smile in your face is way different !! is like Zoey is still...."Jake

"shut up !! I told you never to say her name again!!"

"sorry dude !!" Jake

I stood up and left him !! I went to the kitchen to drink some water !!! I wounder if they have alcoholic drinks !! I was about turn on the light when .........

O///O Thank you GOD !! Dhaimy is about turn around so I kneel down so she won't see me !! Whoooo that was a close one !!

I look at her again she is DAMN Sexy!! the light of the fridge is lighting her lingerie (Women's underwear and nightclothes) so I could see her Damn Sexy Body!! My Buddy down there is going excited!!! down boy!!

"enjoying the view !!"

"absuletly ........ " O-O Sh*t !! I didn't realize that she was looking at me because I was so busy admiring her body!!

"I hope you like it Douche bag!! because that will be the first and last that you will ever see this!!" Dhaimy throw a round thing !! I dont know what is it !! its dark !!

"BOGSH" good thing it didn't hit me!!

"ahaha you Miss!!" Me ;p

"you pervert!!" .|. (-__-) Dhaimy

"I know you want it !!" Me

"Over my dead body!!" Dhaimy

"oh come on!!! let not waist that beautiful body of yours!! we need to explore the beauty with in it!!" Me

"F*ck you !! you will never have

some of this!!" then she Left while her middle finger up !!

.|. (-__-)

"Good Night !! wet dre.. I mean sweet dreams !!" I said it in sarcastic way ;)

"PERVERT!!" as she replyed

ahahaha a really sweet Dreams for Me !!! I can wait !! oh Ms.Dhaimy Harris can wait to explore your majestic beauty!!


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