First Day Nerves

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Starting her first day as a surgical intern, Minjeong thinks she is the most nervous out of all her competition. It's bad enough that the hospital was bustling with busy healthcare workers and crying patients, but trying to focus on her assigned resident caused extreme sensory overload that Minjeong thinks she could pass out at any moment.

"Dr. Kim?"

Minjeong snaps out of her panicked thoughts upon being called. "Y-Yes?"

Her resident surgeon eyed her, up and down, which caused Minjeong to almost shiver in disgust. "Your parents."

Minjeong's shoulders deplete. "Yes." Is all she says.

"They're impressive. Big shoes to fill."

Her fellow interns look at her curiously. "Who are your parents?"

"You don't know who her parents are?" Dr. Lee gives the intern who had asked the question a disappointed look. "If you don't know who Dr. Kim Taeyeon and Dr. Byun Baekhyun is, then, well, maybe we have to send you back to medical school."

The intern, whom Minjeong knows as Mark, looks at her with wide eyes. "Your parents—,"

Dr. Lee cuts him off, "yes, they recently won a Nobel peace prize for their incredible research and inventions for the different treatments for all types of heart disease and complications. I'm sure it was in your curriculum."

Minjeong sighs to herself.

It didn't even last a day where she didn't shadow behind her parents achievements. It was stressful enough to just be fresh out of medical school and being a first year intern, but having the whole hospital know who you were, and having to fill in those incredibly big shoes, Minjeong thinks she won't even survive past a week.

Dr. Lee clasps his hands together, "now, this is one of the top teaching hospitals in the nation. You should be lucky to be here, and also, applaud yourselves for your hard work in reaching this far into your medical careers. Obviously we chose you for a reason. You have a purpose in this hospital. It is to learn and elevate yourselves into being the best surgeon out there for your patients."

Minjeong sees the determination firing up in her peers, and she wonders where hers was. She was probably too nervous to feel anything else.

"Now that you've gotten a proper tour of the hospital. Orientation is in fifteen minutes. Change into the scrubs given to you, and don't forget your white coats. You are doctors now. Good luck." Dr. Lee gives all his interns pointed looks, "and do not kill anyone on your first day."

Dr. Lee walks away, and the interns make their way to the locker room. Minjeong only follows quietly, opening and closing her hands at her sides.

"Your parents are cool."

Minjeong blinks at the woman who smiled at her too brightly for her liking.

"Y-Yeah, they're brilliant."

The woman nods, "I'm Shuhua, by the way. Or," she looks down and points to her white coat, where her name had been stitched, "Dr. Yeh. But you can call me Shuhua."

Minjeong nods, "Minjeong."

"So, Minjeong," Mark says, midway from putting on his scrub top over his head. "What's it like having Nobel peace prize winners as parents?"

Minjeong wasn't too enthusiastic to answer his question. Shrugging, Minjeong finds a bullshit answer that doesn't make her parents look like complete hard asses. "Well, their expectations led me to where I am today, so..." Maybe she should have just stuck with one word responses. Minjeong was never good at lying from the get go.

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