Woman That I Love

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"This is a very generous donation, Ms. Uchinaga."

Jimin chews on her thumb as she watches one of her best friend's give her boss a check. A really big check. It was insane the amount of money that that piece of paper was worth, but when Jimin approached Aeri with a favor, explaining the situation, she was more than happy to give.

"It's for a good cause." Aeri dips her chin, a very sophisticated smile on her lips. "Not only am I donating to a program and a team that saves lives, I am also doing this for one of the most important people in my life." She turns to look at Jimin, "well, two."

Jimin softens, a sense of warmth spreading through her body.

"Fifteen million is a lot."

"Not to me." Aeri blinks, clearly unphased.

Dr. Kwon smiles, putting the check down onto her desk. "I'll pass your offer to the board."

"Dr. Kim stays and she's taken care of. That's all I ask." Aeri rises from her seat and faces Jimin. "You owe me lunch, Dr. Yu."

Jimin grins, "I cleared my schedule for the next three hours for you."

"It was a pleasure, Dr. Kwon." Aeri waves her hand towards the chief surgeon, "kick ass in that meeting. Don't let the big bad boys hurt my Dr. Kim."

The chief of surgery chuckles, nodding with promise. "Of course, Ms. Uchinaga. It was an honor to meet you."

Jimin leaves with Aeri, shoulders not feeling as heavy. Her arm is hooked through Aeri's with gratitude as they walk through the halls of the hospital.

"Thanks, Aeri. Really."

Her friend chuckles, snapping her wrist in a careless wave. "Please, don't inflate my ego. Besides, I meant it. I'm also doing this for Minjeong. I'll do anything for that girl."

"Me too." Jimin smiles.

Aeri grins proudly. "We'll show that poor excuse of a father that Minjeong absolutely does not need him. She's got us for the rest of her life."

Jimin's heart swells with warmth. She snuggled up to her friend, and they almost reached the elevator until Aeri's steps completely stopped, pulling Jimin back abruptly.

"Uh oh, uh oh." Aeri smacks her arm, "alert alert!"

Jimin looks up and meets Minjeong's gaze at the end of the hall. Her eyes widened, holding her breath as Minjeong furrows her brows in question upon seeing Aeri next to her. She makes her way towards the both of them, Mark at her side.

"Jimin!" Aeri says between clenched teeth, masking her panic with a forced smile. "What am I supposed to tell her when she asks—," her words stop when Minjeong is close enough to hear them, "—hi, Minjeong!"

"Aeri?" Minjeong glances between the two of them. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"U-Um.." Aeri gulps, eyes wide against Minjeong's curious gaze.

"S-She's here to take us out to lunch." Jimin thinks quickly, smiling nervously, "are you free, Minjeong?"

Minjeong frowns, narrowing her eyes on them.

"Oh my god!" The three immediately turn towards Mark, "are you the Uchinaga Aeri? Of Naevis Fashion Line?"

"U-Uh, yes, that's me." Aeri says sheepishly.

"An honor, Ms. Uchinaga." Mark reaches for her hand, shaking it aggressively in excitement. "Your new winter line? Obsessed! And your spring line that's coming up? Oh my god, I'm on the edge of my feet."

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