Till The Pedals Wither Away

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Minjeong watches with wide eyes as she's huddled around a cadaver, Dr. Im at her side, and Soojin on the other side of their attending.

"This patient died of a ruptured aneurysm, which led to a hemorrhagic stroke. You can tell by this ruptured artery. Which artery is this?" Dr. Im glances at both of them and smirks, "first to answer gets a treat."

"Middle cerebral artery!" They both respond in unison, eyes wide and features bellowing with their need to win.

"Hm," Dr. Im hums, smirk widening into a grin. "Smart cookies."

"Which location in the brain does aneurysms often occur in?"

"Anterior communicating artery!"

Dr. Im chuckles as the two interns once again simultaneously yell the answer enthusiastically.

Soojin catches Minjeong's eyes and squints at her, gaze sharp like a knife. The latter blinks in confusion, frowning and confused at Soojin's look of annoyance. Was she surprised? No. They were still very much indifferent to each other. Well, Soojin was indifferent to her because she saw Minjeong as a threat to her career. Competition.

But Minjeong, she just wanted to be friendly with everyone.

"Maybe I'm feeling a little generous today." Dr. Im mutters to herself, "both of you can scrub in tomorrow. We're removing a brain tumor in the frontal lobe. That's my treat." She grins, "a brain tumor." She hands the scalpel to Minjeong, bumping shoulders with the both of them. "Better get cozy with Mr. Cadaver and start preparing."

Minjeong glances at Soojin who has a hint of a smile on her face.

"And practice your teamwork. Get to know each other." Dr. Im motions between them. "I sense a bit of tension, and I do not want that in my OR."

The smile soon drops from Soojin's face as she looks at Minjeong with a blank face.

"Am I clear?" Dr. Im says, brows raised, and waiting for an answer.

"Yes, Dr. Im." Minjeong responds first.

Soojin sighs, before nodding.

With that, Dr. Im walks out of the room with a proud grin. The first sight she sees is Jimin filling out a few papers at the nurses station at the cardiovascular ICU.

"Ah, the person I wanted to see." She slides towards Jimin, stopping until their hips bump.

Jimin snorts, and flips a page on the clipboard. "And why did you want to see me?"

"Because you're pretty." Dr. Im rests her chin on folded arms as she leans against the counter. She bounces her brows in greeting at Ryujin who was behind a computer, charting.

Jimin rolls her eyes, ignoring Dr. Im's playful comment.

"Careful, Nayeon." Ryujin comments, never taking her eyes off the screen in front of her. "Jimin has a very scary admirer."

Dr. Im scoffs, chuckling. "I see her more like a pouty puppy. There's nothing scary about puppies."

Jimin hides her smile, giving the consent forms for one of Ryujin's patients back to her. "If anyone's the admirer, it's me."

Ryujin makes a sound of feigned disgust, and Dr. Im chuckles, raising her brows at the nurse. "It's actually cute seeing her like this. Don't be a hater."

"I'm not being a hater." Ryujin shakes her head, "I'm being a friend. I'm supposed to tease her. It's textbook code."

Dr. Im plays along, "ah, so I'm not being a very good friend, now am I?" She turns to Jimin with mischief, "you simp."

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