Look Away

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Every damn time Minjeong opens her door to head to work, Jimin was doing the same. Their encounters aren't awkward. Mostly because Minjeong is always mad at Jimin, glaring or snarling as a greeting. While, Jimin on the other hand, seems like she lives to annoy the living crap out of Minjeong.

"Good morning, Minjeong." Jimin has a coffee in her hand, and a grin on her face. Minjeong rolls her eyes, making sure to lock her door, before practically stomping her way down the hall to the elevator.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Jimin is next to her again, staring at her through their reflection on the elevator doors.

"No," Minjeong says, "I just have an annoying neighbor, that's all."

Jimin hums, sipping her coffee.

Minjeong huffs, aggressively pressing the elevator button again. "Why is it taking so long?"

"We're pretty high up," Jimin states, pointing at the floor number nailed to the wall. "Patience, Minjeong."

"Don't tell me to be patient," Minjeong grits, "I can't believe you're my neighbor. I can't believe you're one of my attending surgeons."

"Well, believe it, baby. I'm right here." Jimin smirks.

"Don't call me that." Minjeong says sharply.

"Sorry," Jimin clears her throat, "force of habit."

A scoff comes from Minjeong, followed by silence. Jimin turns to glance at her briefly, a sigh leaving her lips. Maybe of relief or of guilt. Probably both.

"Don't let me ruin your day, Minjeong." She meant it. It hurts to know when the only woman you've ever loved hates your gut to pieces, but even then, Jimin thinks it was better off this way. It was easier for both of them. That way, at least one of them has moved on.

"That would only happen if I stop seeing your face." Minjeong mutters under her breath, but Jimin hears it loud and clear.

Minjeong hits the elevator button one more time, before cursing under her breath, and turning for the stairs.

Before she could open the door, a warm hand stopped her from doing so. Minjeong turns to see Jimin looking at her with soft eyes, and she wonders why Jimin still looks at her that way.

The elevator door dings, opening slowly.

"I'll take the stairs," Jimin nods her head towards the elevator, "get on before it leaves without you." She doesn't let Minjeong argue, as she disappears down the stairs. She saw the surprise written all over the younger woman's face, and her heart aches longingly.


Weirdly enough, Jimin doesn't approach her at all during her shift. Not that it upset Minjeong, but it was an observation.

Yup, just an observation.

Minjeong does constantly see Jimin at the nurses station, elbow on the counter, leaning forward with a flirtatious smile on her stupid face.

Was Jimin dating that nurse that Minjeong caught her with in the on-call room? That's what it certainly looked like.

"Boo," a whisper next to her ear startles Minjeong from staring. A hand to her chest, Mark appears at her side, a mischievous smile on his lips.

"You're giving very creepy ex lover vibes, Minjeong. Stop staring." Mark shakes his head in disapproval.

"Am not." Minjeong rips her eyes away after one final glance, turning to walk away. "I was not staring. I just... blanked out, I guess."

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