Stay With Me

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Jimin walks into the viewing room after doing rounds on all her patients. Mark had already been there, elbow on his knees, chin resting on his palm. His legs were anxiously tapping on the floor, jerking his whole body with the movement.

"How's it going?"

Mark is startled by her voice.

"The surgery is going good... but..." He frowns and Jimin raises her eyebrows at his reaction.

Jimin looks down and only sees Soojin and Dr. Im with the rest of their surgical crew.

"Minjeong didn't show..." Mark says with a gulp.

"What?" Jimin's body is in alert mode.

"Y-Yeah... I don't know either." Mark scratches his head, "neither of them knows where she went. But Dr. Im seemed pretty pissed that Minjeong was a no show."

Jimin glares at him, "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Sputtering, Mark shrugs. "I-I... Y-You were doing rounds and—,"

Sighing, Jimin leaves the observation room and taps her pockets for her beeper. She doesn't find it, but she does ask one of the nurses to send her a beep.

At the end of the hall, Jimin squints her eyes at the familiar figure speaking to Dr. Kwon.

Dr. Byun?

With heavy steps and clenched fists, Jimin stomps her way towards the two. The chief of surgery catches sight of her trudging through the halls, anger illuminating around her very visible.

"What is he doing here?"

Dr. Kwon lays a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from losing her professionalism. "Now, Dr. Yu. We don't need to cause a scene."

"What does he want?"

Dr. Kwon heaves a sigh. "He's asking to speak with me privately in my office."

Jimin's eyes are steel against his obnoxious gaze. "About?"

"I don't think that's any of your business." Dr. Byun spats harshly.

She glances at Dr. Kwon, before taking a deep breath and directing her question towards Dr. Byun. "Where's Minjeong?"

The man doesn't answer, staring her down with disgust. "You know if you would have disappeared like we agreed on, Minjeong would have been just fine."

Jimin clenches her jaw. "Permission to hit him, Dr. Kwon?"

"Absolutely not." The chief of surgery grits between her teeth, looking around at their surroundings with caution. "I will talk to him. Privately, Dr. Yu." A hand pushes her back slightly, Dr. Kwon standing between the both of them.

"Minjeong's on the roof." Dr. Kwon whispers to Jimin, who's steel gaze falters at the mention of Minjeong. Her eyes soften with worry.

"I'll deal with him. You're dismissed, Dr. Yu."

Jimin glares at Dr. Byun once more, before rushing to the rooftop. She doesn't bother waiting for the elevator, using the stairs to get there faster.

Once she reaches the rooftop, Jimin sees Minjeong standing still in the middle, eyes looking into the distance. It was dark, and a little windy from the night.

Catching her breath, Jimin slowly approaches Minjeong.

"Minjeong." Jimin tries hard to keep her voice free of panic, only soft and the right volume to not startle Minjeong. She wonders how long Minjeong had been standing up here. The timer in the surgery showed two hours when she had walked in, but Jimin assumes it's been longer.

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