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"Dr. Jeon!" Minjeong tries to carry all the flushes in her hands, dropping some on the way as she chases after Dr. Jeon. He flips through a clipboard, probably reading his cases for the day, and receiving report from a nurse.

Clearing her throat, Minjeong gulps, "Dr. Jeon."

"Yes?" He doesn't bother to look at her, keeping busy with the papers.

"I-I... I heard you were doing research on cures for dementia, and I-I would love to be a part of it." Minjeong stutters through her words, blowing loose strands of her hair out of her face.

Dr. Jeon hands the clipboard back to the nurse. "I have a lot of people helping with the research already."

"Please," Minjeong says desperately, "I want neuro to be my focus, and you're the only neurosurgeon in this hospital that is willing to teach. Not to mention you're one of the best."

Wow, she was definitely kissing ass at this point.

Dr. Jeon sighs, finally turning to look at her. Minjeong sees the surprised, and amused glint in his eyes upon seeing her and she wonders why.

"I guess I can squeeze in one more." Dr. Jeon smiles, and Minjeong swears his pearly whites shine under the light.

"R-Really?" Minjeong blinks in surprise. "B-But you just said..."

Dr. Jeon chuckles, waving his hand. "Forget what I said. Of course you can join my team."

"O-Okay..I—," Minjeong sputters, "thank you, Dr. Jeon." A smile falls to her lips, and she withholds herself from doing a fist pump in celebration.

"We'll talk later, okay? Come find me." Dr. Jeon points at her as he walks away. The wink takes Minjeong aback, but the excitement to finally work in neurosurgery clouds her judgment. He was just being friendly. That's it.

"I wouldn't be too eager to work with him."

Minjeong turns to see Ryujin behind the nurses station. Her eyebrows frown before her lips do, but she quickly recovers into a blank face that she thinks was definitely more professional than a scowl. "Excuse me?"

Ryujin stops charting on the computer, lifting her head up to give Minjeong her attention. She smiles at her, unbothered, and Minjeong doesn't like how affected she had been, but Ryujin seemed to have not a care in the world about her. Maybe Jimin didn't tell Ryujin about her.

Jimin probably didn't care that much about her anymore to mention their past relationship to her new one anyway... wow... That thought hurt Minjeong more than she wanted it to.

"Dr. Jeon... is... not very professional." Ryujin is cautious with her words.

"But he's one of the best neurosurgeons out there." Minjeong defends, laughing nervously and she doesn't know why. Maybe anxiety just easily ran through her body like blood did.

"He's the best at his craft, doesn't mean he's a good person." Ryujin shrugs her shoulders, standing up from her seat. She gives Minjeong one last smile, before walking away to answer a patient's call light that blinked brightly.

Minjeong pockets the flushes in her hands, heaving a sigh, before shaking her head to snap out of it.

"This is a good opportunity, Minjeong." She tells herself, forcing a smile out that covers her anxiousness.

Her beeper beeps loudly, and she unclamps it from her scrub pants, lifting it up to her face to read. Mark was requesting for her at the skills lab, and she rolled her eyes. Minjeong had already given him a very stern lecture of using his beeper for important things and emergency situations, but he still constantly annoys her with it.

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