Take That Step

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"What if I can't do it?"

Minjeong asks nervously, hands wringing in front of her. She looks up at Jimin with an anxious expression, only for the older woman to smile down at her reassuringly.

"Then we'll come back next week and try again." Jimin tells her to soothe her anxiety.

They were standing in front of the therapist's door for the past five minutes because Minjeong didn't know if she had the ability to dig deep into her emotions and talk about her feelings with a stranger. Don't get her wrong, Minjeong was a doctor and knew how effective therapy was to the human mind, but something about doing it yourself is just harder. It was very hypocritical, indeed, but it was a normal human instinct.

Was it? Maybe not normal, but Minjeong knew that thinking that that was normal is the exact reason why she's standing outside of this door right now.

With comforting hands on her waist, and the warmth from Jimin's front against her back, Minjeong breathes out slowly.

"You're not scared?" Minjeong asks, looking behind her and up at soft brown eyes.

Jimin chuckles, "not scared. Nervous, yeah. But feeling nervous is normal, baby. Especially in this situation."

Minjeong bites her lip, settling her eyes back on the door that held the name plate of their therapist.

Dr. Choi Sooyoung

"I'm right next to you, my love."

Minjeong nods, and Jimin waits for her. Lets her take the initiative to take that step whenever she is ready. It takes Minjeong a few more deep breaths before she's raising her hand and knocking on Dr. Choi's door.

Jimin smiles against Minjeong's temple, before pressing a kiss there, stepping back to an appropriate space in the presence of Dr. Choi.

Jimin knows Minjeong wouldn't feel proud of herself for such a small gesture like taking this initiative, but to Jimin, she feels proud of how brave Minjeong has always been. Before, and now.

"Hi." Dr. Choi greets them professionally and with a sense of warmth to her smile. "Come in, come in."

Her office wasn't decorated with boring gray furniture like Minjeong thought all therapy offices were decorated with. It made her feel a little better inside, and Minjeong thinks that it made sense for therapists to want to create a safe space for their clients. And starting off with the room that they step into is the perfect start.

The couches were yellow. Very bright. What a happy color, Minjeong thought. Kind of ironic.

There was colorful art on the walls, and there was a space designated for art that looked like it was done by children. Probably from Dr. Choi's younger clients, Minjeong thought, and she frowned at the thought. She wonders how young Dr. Choi's youngest client was. How troubled they must be at that age.

Had she been that troubled when she was young? If Minjeong acknowledged her trauma when she was young, would she have needed therapy at that age?

"Dr. Kim?" Dr. Choi snaps Minjeong out of her thoughts, and Minjeong didn't even realize that Jimin had led both of them to sit on one of the bright yellow couches.

Minjeong blinks at the therapist, then at Jimin who was looking at her worriedly.

"Y-Yes?" She stutters.

Dr. Choi smiles at her. "I asked how you were feeling today."

Minjeong visibly relaxes.

Oh. That was an easy question...

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