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Foot anxiously tapping against the floor, Minjeong waits for Dr. Kwon to walk into the room with the hospital's psychiatrist. She wasn't excited about this at all. It took her a while to get used to Dr. Choi, and it sucked having to do it all over again.

When Dr. Kwon passes the window that Minjeong could see out of, she stands up on her feet. The door opens and a familiar man trails after Dr. Kwon.


Dr. Kwon raises a brow, pausing and glancing between the both of them. The psychiatrist breaks out into a smile, before he pulls Minjeong into a tight hug.

"You two know each other?"

Chan motions towards her, looking her up and down and reveling in the nostalgia. "Yes, of course. Kim Minjeong, long time no see."

Minjeong exhales, forcing a smile out despite her anxiety. "Yeah, it's been a while."

Dr. Kwon smiles softly, crossing her arms. "Well, this should be fairly easy for you then, Dr. Kim. Seeing that you're well acquainted with Dr. Bang."

She only gives the chief of surgery a small smile, before Dr. Kwon had excused herself from the room. It was just the two of them, and Minjeong finds herself awkwardly shifting her weight from foot to foot.

Chan chuckles to himself, before gesturing towards the table for them to sit at. He takes out a folder from his briefcase, peaking Minjeong's interest. Her eyes follow his motions as he reads what Minjeong can only assume was a file about what Dr. Kwon thought was wrong with her and why she was needing counseling in the first place.

"Dr. Bang, there's nothing to address here." Minjeong says, shifting in her seat, "why don't we just skip through the hard stuff, and you can sign the permission slip to let me go back into the OR."

Dr. Bang gives her a kind smile. "That's not how this works, Minjeong. And please, call me Chan. We're past formalities."

Minjeong exhales, slumping back into her chair.

"How's your heart by the way?" Chan asks after a beat of silence. Minjeong notices the small furrow of his brows, and her heart aches.

"Good." Minjeong nods softly, "I'm taking care of her. Don't worry, Chan."

Chan takes a deep breath, clearing his throat and blinking his eyes. A smile spreads through his lips. "Great. So, um, shall we get started?"

"Yeah, sure."


Jimin leans against the nurses station, a half eaten protein bar in her hand, and a coffee in the other. She looks into the room that was occupied by Minjeong and the psychiatrist. Apparently he was new, since the psychiatrist for the hospital that Jimin was familiar with was an older woman that had been a psychiatrist for twenty years, and was close to retiring.

The man in that room with her Minjeong was definitely not an older woman with years of experience. No, he was a young man with a bright smile and dimples that surely made the ladies trail after him.

"He's cute."

Jimin's head snaps to the source of the voice and sees Ryujin peering into the room from behind the nurses station.

"He's not that cute."

Ryujin snorts. "I forgot you were gay."

Scoffing, Jimin turns her attention back to the room.

Much to her dismay, Mark walks up right next to her, peering into the room as well.

"Oh, he's cute."

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