My Little Star

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Minjeong grunts as she tries to keep the heavy box from falling as she waits for the elevator to come back down to the lobby. She pivots to elbow the button again, leaning the box against the wall, and holding her knee up below the bottom of the box.

"Let me help you."

Minjeong can't see who starts to take the box from her grasp, but she sure recognizes it very easily.

"I'm fine, Dr. Yu."

Snorting, Jimin takes the box from her easily, not listening to her protests. Minjeong sighs, defeated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You shouldn't tire yourself out too much. It'll strain your heart."

Minjeong blinks, "my heart is just fine, Dr. Yu."

Jimin smiles, "that's good to hear, Minjeong." She turns to glance at her briefly, "we're not in the hospital, so just... call me Jimin. Please."

Minjeong heaves a sigh, "fine. Thanks for helping me with the box... Jimin."

The older woman smiles in satisfaction, heart fluttering in happiness. "That's more like it." She mutters to herself.

The elevator doors ding, opening to let the people from the higher floors out. The two of them wait, and Jimin nods her head for Minjeong to enter first, before following after her.

Minjeong is thankful for the elevator music that was softly playing on the speaker, or else she would have cried from the silence and tension. It was weird that awkwardness wouldn't be the term that Minjeong would describe what being alone with your ex felt like. Maybe to others it did, but Jimin was not someone's typical ex. She was Kim Minjeong's first well... everything.

First relationship, first love, and every firsts that came with your first love. Yu Jimin was not only her first and greatest love, but also Minjeong's first heartbreak.

People say that you never really get over your first love, right? But, what about your first heartbreak? How do you get over that?

The elevator doors open into their floor, and Minjeong leads them down the hall to their doors. She fumbles with her keys before opening her door to let Jimin in. The older woman puts the box down in the living room upon Minjeong's request.

Minjeong stands there awkwardly, contemplating a not-so-mean way of telling her attending-slash-neighbor-slash-first love-slash-ex to leave your apartment immediately.

"It's cute," Jimin says, eyes looking around her apartment. "Already feels like home, doesn't it?" She turns to grin a dimpled smile Minjeong's way.

Seeing Minjeong's hostile expression, Jimin heaves a sigh in defeat. "Minjeong, I know you want to avoid me as much as possible, but this is inevitable. We live right across from each other and we work in the same hospital. We should at least act civil, right? Or... try to be friends?"

Minjeong's lips slightly just out in thought, catching Jimin's attention. "I don't know how to be friends with you. I don't think I can."

Jimin stares at her with an unreadable expression.

"But I'll be civil." Minjeong finishes.

Disappointed, Jimin lowers her head and nods slightly. "Civil."

Minjeong is confused by the disappointment on Jimin's face, but she convinces herself that it wasn't something she needed to concern herself with.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to finish unpacking."


Closing her eyes, Minjeong heaves a sigh. "Listen, I'm really trying hard to be comfortable here. I've already been looking for other apartments, but I haven't found one yet, so just..." Jimin wonders if Minjeong can hear the sound of her heart bursting in her chest. "...don't make things difficult."

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