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Minjeong scrubs her hands and forearm with soap, breathing in and out evenly to keep focus. The thump against the door startled her as it pushed open.

Jimin walks in, and she doesn't look surprised to see her there at all. Like she didn't doubt that Minjeong was going to show up despite their conversation last night.

"Good morning, Dr. Kim."

Regaining her composure, Minjeong only offers a small smile, before stepping on the lever at her feet to turn on the faucet to wash the soap off of her hands.

There was silence as Jimin scrubs her hands with the soap. Minjeong was finished with the sink, but still, she stayed rooted at her spot, careful not to have anything touch her sterile hands.

"I'm sorry." Minjeong says, voice soft and timid.

"You don't have to be." Jimin responds with no hesitation.

"But I am. I shouldn't have questioned your decision as my attending surgeon."

Shaking her head, Jimin steps on the lever and turns on the faucet. "If you think something is wrong, you have all the right to question your authorities. Higher status or not. You have a voice. Use it."

Minjeong blinks. "Then I'm sorry for being an ass to you last night."

Jimin steps off of the lever, turning around to finally look at Minjeong. Her heart skips a beat the way it always does when she looks at Minjeong. "You don't have to be sorry. I deserve it."

Minjeong doesn't get to respond, as Jimin enters the operating room first. She stares at her through the small glass window seeing into the operating room, heart squeezing with ache.

When she enters the operating room, she's put into a sterile gown and gloves by the circulating nurses on their surgical team today. Mrs. Green was already under anesthesia on the table, and the surgical tools at their side.

Jimin stands in front of her, the body between them. Breathing out, Minjeong meets Jimin's eyes.

"Ready to save a life, Dr. Kim?" Jimin's smile is visible through her eyes, lips hidden behind the surgical mask.

Minjeong dips her chin in response.

"Scalpel." Jimin says, hand extended towards the scrub nurse. Minjeong doesn't expect it when Jimin hands her the scalpel, "make the first cut."

"O-Oh," Minjeong hesitates, "I-I don't know, you—,"

"I wasn't asking, Dr. Kim." Jimin says firmly, "make the first cut."

Act like you belong here.

Her breathing grows rapid and shallow, as her eyes stare at the scalpel.

"Minjeong," Jimin says in the softest voice, "hey, look at me."

Chocolate eyes meet Jimin's gaze, and Minjeong feels a sense of familiarity wash her anxiety away. "Mrs. Green chose you for a reason. She trusts you. I trust you. Make the first cut. It's the easiest part."

Exhaling slowly, Minjeong takes the scalpel from her. She steadies her breathing, angling the sharp edge midline of Mrs. Green's chest. Her hand was steady, and she washes away any sense of insecurity.

"Making the first cut." Minjeong announces, applying pressure against the layer of skin and making the perfect incision.


"My dream is to go to Harvard. I would major in pre-med, maybe do research in neuroscience, then go to medical school to be a neurosurgeon."

Jimin knew Minjeong's goals were big. She must've been working and pushing herself so hard for a reason.

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